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Canadian Zooarchaeology

Digging Deep

Debbie Yee Cannon © Canadian Museum of Nature


Since 1992, Canadian Museum of Nature research scientist Kathlyn Stewart has been publishing Canadian Zooarchaeology, a forum offering a wide variety of interest to zooarchaeologists working in Canada, and abroad. Regular and special feature articles are complemented by a variety of listings and exchanges.

As of 2014, Canadian Zooarchaeology will become an open access online journal, publishing on an annual basis. All back issues will be available on our website.


Canadian Zooarchaeology is accepting submissions that might be of interest to its readers, including news, letters, articles and books or papers for review.

In particular, we are forever on the lookout for short articles or reports on current zooarchaeological finds and field work.

Submissions are published in English or French, as received.


See the subscription fees.

Please make your cheque or money order payable to the Canadian Museum of Nature - Zooarchaeology.


Yin Lam
Kathlyn Stewart
Becky Wigen

Contact Us

Canadian Zooarchaeology: http://web.uvic.ca/~cdnzarch

Yin Lam and Becky Wigen
Department of Anthropology, University of Victoria
P.O. Box 3050, Station CSC
Victoria, British Columbia V8W 3P5 Canada
Email: cdnzarch@uvic.ca
Tel: 250.721.7051
Fax: 250.721.6215

Kathlyn Stewart
Canadian Museum of Nature,
P.O. Box 3443, Station D
Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6P4 Canada
Email: kstewart@mus-nature.ca
Tel: 613.364.4051
Fax: 613.364.4027

Special Reference Supplement

Transitions in Zooarchaeology was published in 2004 as a supplement to Canadian Zooarchaeology. The content of its 10 chapters makes it a must-read for the latest in zooarchaeological methods and data.

Contact Kathlyn Stewart to order: