Mammal Gallery
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Mammal Gallery

Explore Canada’s distinctive rugged wilderness and come face to face with wild animals.

In the Mammal Gallery you’ll see remarkable specimens of grizzly bears, bison, moose, caribou, pronghorns, cougars and more, and discover the ways they’ve adapted to survive in Canada.

  • See how the mammals live in fascinating three-dimensional scenes that reveal the beauty of Canada’s wild places. Real locations are depicted in the dioramas.
  • Make your way through ice floes, where a polar bear is waiting with her cub to catch a ringed seal.
  • Explore animal adaptations and delve deeper into Canadian fauna with our touch-screen computer stations.
  • Discover animals poised in the urban darkness, and find your “hot spots” in front of a cool endothermic camera that reveals your true colours.

It’s a wildly captivating experience!

More about the Gallery