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Image and Content Licensing

Need an image from the natural world? Check with us first!

The Canadian Museum of Nature has thousands of unique images reflecting the diversity of the natural world. Our publications and multimedia products are key resources for credible and authoritative information about nature in Canada. Reproduction rights can be obtained on many of the Canadian Museum of Nature's intellectual property assets.

We welcome enquiries about permission to reproduce museum copyrighted material. Permission for use is granted on a case-by-case basis and at the sole discretion of the museum. All specific commercial uses* of any museum material must be approved in advance.

You may request approval by completing the copyright-clearance request form (PDF) and emailing it to IP@mus-nature.ca.

Typically, we will review the request and respond within five (5) business days, but we are under no obligation to respond. Following receipt of the request form, we will let you know if we can fulfill your request, and what fees are applicable.

You may not use museum material unless and until the museum has granted its specific approval and any and all conditions of such approval have been fulfilled by the licensee.

See the terms and conditions for using our collection-data images.

*Definition of Commercial Use
Museum material used in a product produced by a commercial or by a non-profit entity for profit-making, income generating purposes, commercial purposes or a product produced and distributed free of charge, at cost, or at a minimal charge generally by a non-profit organization.