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Travelling Exhibition Rentals

Cupped hands holding a pile of coins that are sprouting a small plant.

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Geese in flight.

Nature on Tour

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Inspire Your Audiences... Naturally

If you are looking for a travelling exhibition that will attract and engage your visitors with memorable exhibitions about nature, look no further.

We offer high-quality, affordable and inspiring travelling exhibitions. These exhibitions cover a wide variety of subjects, and come in many sizes and formats.


Suitcase Exhibitions

A Crash Course in Genomics
This tabletop exhibition explores the world of genetics and genomics.

Birding in a Box
This tabletop exhibition contains all of the materials needed to study the characteristics and adaptations of these marvellous creatures.

From Dinosaurs to Mammals
This tabletop exhibition explores a fascinating period in Earth's history: the disappearance of the dinosaurs and the rise of mammals.

Genetic Disorders and Heredity
This tabletop exhibition explains what genetic disorders are and how we inherit them.

Ice Age: Cold Facts about Climate Change
This tabletop exhibition delves into the latest information on climate change.

This tabletop exhibition is full of surprises. It allows users to learn more about the diversity, form and properties of minerals, as well as their uses in everyday life.

This tabletop exhibition unlocks the secrets of the monarch butterfly and its annual migration.

Sila: Clue in to Climate Change
This tabletop exhibition explores climate change in the Arctic.

This tabletop exhibition is perfect for landlubberly whale-watchers.

Full-Size Exhibitions

Beneath the Surface: X-Rays of Arctic Fish
This exhibition features 16 spectacular back-lit images that reveal the intricate bone structure of fish found in the icy waters of Canada’s Arctic regions.

Canada's Waterscapes—Yours to Enjoy, Explore and Protect
Visitors to this 150 m2 exhibition will discover how we can better understand and protect Canada's aquatic ecosystems.

Canadian Wildlife Photography of the Year
The 30 winning photographs from the annual Wildlife Photography of the Year Contest, run by Canadian Geographic, are showcased in a new edition each year. Previous editions are also available. Approximately 79 running metres.

Flora of the Canadian Arctic
Through large scans of selected specimens, you will see an impressive array of delicate northern beauties.

Ice Age Mammals
A 200 m2 exhibition that explores the hot topic of climate change. Find out all about the most recent ice age, the environmental changes that took place, the mammals that survived and those that didn't.

Akin to modern art, these images show the wide range of colour and form seen in lichens.

A 60 m2 exhibition that explores the world of minerals and their variety in form and colour.

Our Feathered Friends
A 50 m2 participatory exhibition introduces visitors to the basics of bird watching, identifying birds, and attracting them to anyone's backyard.

Winged Tapestries: Moths at Large
Experience the fascinating and unforgettable large-format moth photographs by Jim des Rivières. Approximately 90 running metres.

Information and Reservations

Rachel Gervais