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Illustration: Eskimo Curlew (Numenius borealis).

Text: Natural History Notebooks.

In our Natural History Notebooks you'll find fascinating facts about more than 250 animal species. And, don't overlook the interesting information in the Resources section.

Illustration: Asian elephant (Elephas maximus).
Button: Mammals. Photo: Lion (Panthera leo).
Button: Birds. Photo: Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos).
Button: Fish. Photo: Brown trout (Salmo trutta).
Button: Reptiles. Photo: Komodo dragon (Varanus komodensis).
Button: Navigate the world. Illustration: Map of the world.
Button: Mammals. Photo: Lion (Panthera leo).
Button: Birds. Photo: Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos).
Button: Fish. Photo: Brown trout (Salmo trutta).
Button: Reptiles. Photo: Komodo dragon (Varanus komodensis).
Button: Amphibians. Photo: Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeiana).
Button: Invertebrates. Photo: House fly (Musca domestica).
Button: Dinosaurs. Illustration: Tyrannosaurus rex. Archive slide S71-116.
Button: Prehistoric. Illustration: Muskox (Ovibos moschatus).
Button: Amphibians. Photo: Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeiana).
Button: Invertebrates. Photo: House fly (Musca domestica).
Button: Dinosaurs. Illustration: Tyrannosaurus rex.
Button: Prehistoric. Illustration: Muskox (Ovibos moschatus).
Button: Navigate the world. Illustration: Map of the world.  
Photo: Map, binoculars, compass. Photo: Map, binoculars, compass.

Text: Do you know?
What are the links between birds and dinosaurs?

What are the provincial and territorial birds of Canada?


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