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Leave a Legacy

Pavers on the museum grounds.

Steps across Canada

Personalized Pavers

Make a donation for a personalized paving stone for the museum grounds.

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A gift is a reflection of you.


By remembering the Canadian Museum of Nature in your will, you can leave a legacy that supports your interests at the museum. Undesignated bequests are particularly valued because they allow the museum to apply the principal and/or income to the museum's highest priorities. Your estate will receive a donation receipt for the full amount of the bequest, which can assist in reducing the tax payable on your final income tax return.

Life Insurance

A gift of life insurance can be an affordable way for you to make a gift to The museum in the future while enjoying tax relief during your lifetime. For example, if you make the Canadian Museum of Nature the owner and beneficiary of a life insurance policy, you are entitled to an income tax receipt for the value of the policy. If you are currently paying premiums, you are eligible for an income tax receipt for each premium paid.

Gift Plus Annuity

You can make a contribution to the museum and receive, in turn, guaranteed income payments for life: The museum will use a portion of your gift to purchase an annuity for you from a commercial insurance company. All or part of the annuity payments you receive can be tax-free, and you may also receive an income tax receipt for a portion of your contribution.

Charitable Remainder Trust

By establishing a trust with The museum you (or a beneficiary you designate) can enjoy income from the trust for life or for a term of years. The museum receives what remains in the trust after death, or after a specified number of years. Income tax benefit for the residual interest in the trust is realized when the trust is established.

Residual Interest

When you make a gift of residual interest, you commit property (usually a residence) to The museum, while you retain its use and enjoyment during your lifetime. At death, the property is transferred to the museum. This allows you to receive an income tax receipt for the discounted value of the residual interest owned by the museum.

Thank you for considering a gift to the Canadian Museum of Nature!

Roelof Idema © Canadian Museum of Nature


The Canadian Museum of Nature is a partner in Leave a Legacy and would be happy to work with you and your professional advisor to help you leave a bequest to the museum.

An income tax receipt that takes the fullest possible advantage of Canadian tax law will be issued for your donation. The Canadian Museum of Nature is a non-profit corporation.

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Marissa Croteau