Our researchers have established programmes of activities that distinguish them as experts in systematics, species discovery and Arctic research.

Past research projects.

Projects by Category


Kathy Conlan is helped with a glove of her dive suit beside a dive hut.
Change in Benthic Communities: Human and Natural Effects
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Burrowing shrimp (Calocaris templemani). Enlarged version: A collage showing a burrowing shrimp, burrow openings and a diagram o
Ecology and Taxonomy of Northwest Atlantic Marine Species
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An eastern pearlshell mussel in situ.
Freshwater Mussels and Marine Mussels of Canada: Studies on Taxonomy, Distribution and Conservation
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Kamal Khidas measures a wolf skull (Canis lupus).
Morphogenetic Characteristics of Large Carnivores from Canada, and the Implications for Conservation
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An array of collection funnels hang from a frame.
Taxonomy of Weevils in the Americas
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Xiao-Chun Wu consults some papers while sitting beside a fossil he is studying.
Changes in Vertebrate Fauna during Global Transitions
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Kathy Stewart crouches on a steep, rocky slope while consulting a large sheet of paper.
Changing Faunas and Human Activities on the Canadian Northwest Coast for the Past 6000 Years
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Xiao-Chun Wu consults some papers while sitting beside a fossil he is studying.
Reptiles of the Mesozoic Era
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Jordan Mallon crouches beside a partially exposed fossil bone.
The Palaeo-Ecology of Canadian Dinosaurs
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Kathy Stewart crouches on a steep, rocky slope while consulting a large sheet of paper.
Vertebrate Evolution, Hominid Origins and Environmental Change in the Later Cenozoic Era
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The Evolution of Alkaline Environments: Trace Elements, Accessory Minerals and Magmas
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Plants and Algae

A mass of green moss covered with dark, round fruits.
Bryophytes of Canada
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Canadian Arctic Flora: Biodiversity and Change
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A boat on the water.
Freshwater Micro-Organisms: Systematics, Biodiversity, Toxicology, Impact Assessment and Environmental Change
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Jeff Saarela crouches in a field with water and hills in the background.
Taxonomy and Phylogenetics of Grasses (Poaceae) and Their Relatives
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Understanding the Evolutionary History of Flowering Plants
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