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Past Research Projects

Our science experts conduct collection-based research with a broad range of collaborators. The following projects recall the work we have done in past years.

Projects by Category


Canada C3: Science on an Icebreaker for Five Months
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Lamprey Evolution
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Systematics, Faunistics and Conservation of Canadian Fishes
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Mammal Evolution and Climate Change in the High Arctic during the Neogene Period
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Spiclypeus shipporum: Judith the New Horned Dinosaur
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Environmental Mineralogy
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The Evolution of Geological Environments: Trace Elements, Accessory Minerals and Granitic Pegmatites
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Plants and Algae

Arctic Marine Single-Celled Algae and Other Protists
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Canada C3: Science on an Icebreaker for Five Months
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Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
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