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National Reach

Detail of the maquette for a steel sculpture of an iceberg, by Bill Lishman.


Nature Inspiration Awards

Find out about the award winners and their extraordinary achievements.

Our Exhibitions on Tour

Travelling Exhibitions
Our travelling exhibitions programme reaches 25 to 30 communities across Canada and around the world each year.

From full-sized exhibitions such as Ice Age Mammals to suitcase exhibitions about minerals, these engaging visitor experiences enable the museum to fulfill its national and international mandate.

Annually, an average of one million visitors experience the wonders of nature and benefit from the knowledge derived from the national collection.

Scientific Research and Collaboration

Collaborative Research
Our team of research scientists and curators lead or participate in more than 40 collaborative research projects each year.

The projects engage more than 200 collaborators from natural-history museums, scientific-research institutes, NGOs, governments and other organizations that are committed to creating new knowledge from the study of natural-history collections.

On average, the museum's research engages collaborators from 10 to 15 countries in 40 to 50 cities across Canada and around the world.

Collections on Loan and Online
Our 14.6 million-specimen collection provides as benchmark for the nature of Canada.

We lend specimens from the collection to hundreds of organizations that are seeking to better understand the natural world and to share that knowledge through research, public programmes, teaching and digital sharing.

Our digitized collections are hosted on both the museum's website, nature.ca, and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility. The result is more than 150 million downloads of our data in a single year. Access to our digital data enables the museum to reach millions of scientists and the curious from all over the world.

Sharing Knowledge and Inspiration

Nature Talks
Expert narratives are a core deliverable of any natural-history museum.

Our experts speak at professional conferences, educational events, public talks and scientific meetings. On average, we share our knowledge and expertise at 40 to 50 events each year across Canada and around the world, ensuring that we fulfill our mandate to reach both national and international audiences.

For example, Research Scientist Bob Anderson was featured in 2017 at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum as a guest presenter during Beaty Nocturnal, a monthly event.

Natural-Leaders Events
In 2015, we launched a series of community-leader events in the major cities in Canada to let the natural leaders of each city know that their national museum is there to serve them.

Each event is hosted by a member of our National Nature Council and features a research scientist who speaks about their work in Arctic knowledge or species discovery.

If you would like us to speak to your city's natural leaders, please email
Laura Evans

Youth Education

Teacher Resources
The museum hosts digitally downloadable teaching resources on its website, nature.ca, to support the learning needs of children across Canada.

Teacher Zone is a free resource to schools and teachers and students across Canada and around the world.

The fact that hundreds of digital resources are downloaded each year demonstrates their value and relevance.

Giant Floor Map
In collaboration with Canadian Geographic Enterprises, the museum created a giant floor map about the Arctic with particular focus on the plants, animals, minerals and fossils of Canada's Arctic.

Arctic Alive reaches more than 20 000 school students each year in about 50 communities across Canada. It's another important way that the museum fulfills its national mandate.

The Forever Business

Alliance of Natural History Museums Canada
In 2003, the Canadian Museum of Nature led an effort to create an alliance of the national, provincial and territorial natural-history museums of Canada.

Members share best practices, seek out collaborations and collectively raise awareness of the role and contributions of natural-history museums in Canada.

The Alliance of Natural History Museums of Canada also shares research and collections highlights with parliamentarians at an event on The Hill each year during its annual gathering.

Travelling exhibitions, film festivals, digitization projects and professional development programmes have all been developed and shared as a result of the alliance's efforts.

Canadian Committee, International Union for the Conservation of Nature
The CC-IUCN is the national committee of IUCN that involves provincial, NGO and individual members of the CC-IUCN that are committed to the conservation of our natural world for a better and more sustainable future.

The Canadian Museum of Nature is the Secretariat for the CC-IUCN and it serves on the board. Each year, the museum hosts an annual forum that features the latest information about the work of IUCN and its members.