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  1. @cynthiabland Subject Twitter: And please let staff know about your disatisfaction, hope your trip improves.
  2. @cynthiabland Very sorry Cynthia. If service doesn't improve, we'd appreciate if you'd email us w/ full details so we can followup w/ staff.
  3. @NatashaTwiMarie Thanks for travelling with us today Natasha Marie - hope the whole ride proves as enjoyable!
  4. @cumhafilms Cool :) Merci de voyager avec #VIARail Guy!
  5. @hannahyakobi Our pleasure Hannah :) Hope we can get you better connected on your next trip w/ us!
  6. @cynthiabland Happy to have you on board with us again Cynthia! Hope you enjoy your trip home.
  7. @hannahyakobi Would appreciate details about your experience today, if possible. Email *subject Twitter: Tks!
  8. @hannahyakobi We're working w/ Nomad Digital to enhance our wifi service, but it's in phased deployment currently.
  9. @hannahyakobi Possibly, high-bandwidth sites are blocked (such as Youtube) to ensure connection for all.
  10. @hannahyakobi Sorry Hannah - issues w/ the wifi on board? Or with our website?
  11. @sd90mac6000 Thanks for travelling with us today Christian - enjoy your trip home!
  12. @suez_in Enjoy Montreal, and the time off! Thanks for travelling with us today.
  13. @D_Ramalho No worries David - do let us know how your Easter trip with us goes :)
  14. @Ayngelina Email if possible? A VIA preference CR team member will be able to access your account and highlight your booking options.
  15. @Ayngelina Ayngelina, to explore your Preference points options, could you pls call 1 888 842-7733 or email Thanks
  16. @ArtfullyUndone Happy we could help Hilary!
  17. @meagan_mclean Thanks Meagan - we're sure Greg will be thrilled by your feedback!
  18. @D_Ramalho Glad you caught the sale David - hope you enjoy your trip home with us this weekend!
  19. Canada at half price? VIA Rail is offering a 50% discount. Take advantage of it here, for 5 days only!
  20. Le Canada à moitié prix? VIA Rail propose une réduction de 50 %. Profitez-en ici c’est pour 5 jours seulement!