Make a reservation

To offer our travellers the greatest flexibility possible, there are many ways to book your train tickets or buy a rail pass. Booking with VIA is easy, fast and completely secure.

VIA Rail travel agent
VIA Rail's online booking engine


VIA Rail's online booking engine, located on your screen left side, allows you to book your train tickets, buy a rail pass and reserve your hotel rooms for your stay. VIA Préférence members can also redeem their points during their online booking!

VIA Rail mobile app for iPhone and Android

With the mobile application

Increase your effectiveness in just a few clicks: buy your tickets, modify your bookings, save your e-boarding pass, consult real-time information and much more with the brand new VIA Rail mobile app for iPhone and Android.

A woman makes a reservation by phone

By phone

Call 1 888 VIA-RAIL (1 888 842-7245) or TTY 1 800 268-9503 (hearing impaired). It’s toll-free from anywhere in Canada or the United States.

Train station

In our stations

Find the station nearest you. Be sure to phone first. Some small stations do not sell tickets.

At a self-service kiosk available in unstaffed stations.

A woman makes a reservation with a travel agent

With a travel agent

Through your travel agent in Canada or the United States.

Or with one of our overseas travel agents.