Special Offers

Discover the best ways to save on the purchase of your
train tickets !

Our best travel tips

Book your tickets as early
as possible

You can save a great deal by reserving your tickets as early as possible! Depending on the day of the week, train schedule, and destinations, booking early can reduce the cost of your train tickets

Be flexible with your departure
and arrival time

If your schedule is permitting, take advantage of better fares available the same day.

Buy your tickets on Tuesdays

Every Tuesday, you can benefit from special discounts depending on the destination and travel period. Consult our Discount Tuesdays page for more details.

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Football fans

Take advantage of a 15% discount to follow your favorite team on the road. Don't miss out on the action. Consult the VIA Rail calendar for the 2017 season featuring the Alouettes, the Redblacks, the Argonauts and the Tiger-cats.

book now  (This link opens in a new window)


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