Old Age Security (OAS) - Number of Persons Receiving OAS Benefits, by Province and by Type This dataset provides information on number of persons receiving Old Age Security (OAS) benefits, by province and by type. It is part of Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security Statistical Bulletin - a monthly publication that provides information on the number of benefits and new benefits by place of residence (province). Beneficiaries living outside of Canada are included under their last province or territory of residence in Canada. 2012-01-31 2017-12-15 Employment and Social Development Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Society and CultureOld Age SecurityOASpensionbenefits January 2012 - November 2017CSV http://www.edsc-esdc.gc.ca/ouvert-open/isp/rpc_sv-cpp_oas/svpres-oasben/20171130-svpres-oasben.csv January 2012 - November 2017XLS http://www.edsc-esdc.gc.ca/ouvert-open/isp/rpc_sv-cpp_oas/svpres-oasben/20171130-svpres-oasben.xls

Old Age Security (OAS) - Number of Persons Receiving OAS Benefits, by Province and by Type

This dataset provides information on number of persons receiving Old Age Security (OAS) benefits, by province and by type. It is part of Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security Statistical Bulletin - a monthly publication that provides information on the number of benefits and new benefits by place of residence (province). Beneficiaries living outside of Canada are included under their last province or territory of residence in Canada.


Resource Name Resource Type Format Language Links
January 2012 - November 2017 Dataset CSV English
January 2012 - November 2017 Dataset XLS English

Comments (6)

Just wondering what are the numbers for Allowance for the Survivor? This is an income tested benefit paid to eligible clients. Thanks

Hello, From the 71,066 Allowance recipients in September 2017, 22,531 of them received the Allowance for the Survivor. Regards, The Open Government team

not bad

Why isn't Nunavut included? Thanks!

Hi Sarah, thank you for your question. We will have to consult this with the data owner, I have contacted them and should hear back soon. Regards, Momin The Open Government team

Hi Sarah, Please find below the reply of Employment and Social Development Canada: "We don’t have the breakdown for Nunavut, it is included in NORTHWEST TERRITORIES". I hope it answers your question, Sarah Berube, Open Government Team