Coaching Association of Canada

Funded Research Projects (2006-2015)


Investigating the Barriers and Facilitators to Achieving NCCP Certification 

Lead Researcher: Gretchen Kerr, University of Toronto

Understanding the Quality and Validity of the Coach Evaluation Experience Throughout Canada

Lead Researcher: Jonathon Edwards, University of New Brunswick 


Investigating the influence of disability sport coaches on youth athlete development and sport participation experiences using a retrospective timeline approach

Lead Researcher: Dr. Jean Côté

Examining Coaches Use of Exercise as a Behavioural Management Tool in Sport

Lead Researcher: Kim D. Dorsch, University of Regina
Advisory Group: Darren Kruisselbrink (Acadia University), Diane Culver (University of Ottawa), Jean Fournier (Institut National du Sport du Québec), Gretchen Kerr (University of Toronto)


Football coaches' concussion-related knowledge and behaviour: Are we "Making Head Way©"?

Lead Researcher: Kim D. Dorsch, University of Regina

Professional Development within Canadian Coaching

Lead Researcher: Lauren Couture, University of Fraser Valley

Part 2 - Examining the Relationship between Previous Experience and Performance on the NCCP "Make Ethical Decisions" Online Evaluation

Lead Researchers: Gretchen Kerr & Ashley Stirling, University of Toronto
Advisory Group: Gretchen Kerr (U of T), Janessa Banwell (U of T), Faye Blackwood (PTCR - ON), Nathalie Mueller (NSO - Ringette), Doug Krochak (CAC)


Part 1 - Examining the Relationship between Previous Experience and Performance on the NCCP "Make Ethical Decisions" Online Evaluation

Lead Researchers: Gretchen Kerr & Ashley Stirling, University of Toronto
Advisory Group: Gretchen Kerr (U of T), Janessa Banwell (U of T), Faye Blackwood (PTCR - ON), Nathalie Mueller (NSO - Ringette), Doug Krochak (CAC)

Implementing a five-stage process to test and improve validity and reliability of instruments for assessing coaching competency in two NCCP sports

Lead Researcher: Keith Russel, University of Saskatchewan

Quality Assurance MLF/LF Efficacy study

Lead Researcher: Jonathon Edwards, University of New Brunswick
Project Partners: Hockey Canada, Soccer Canada, Baseball Canada

Conversion Rate (Trained to Certified) Research

Lead Researcher: Duayne Bratt, Mount Royal University
Project Partners: Ringette Canada, Lacrosse Canada


Développement, implantation et évaluation de l'impact d'un programme de prévention du dopage sportif au hockey sur glace

Lead Researcher: Claude Goulet, Université Laval
Project Partners: Hockey Québec, Sport Québec

The Adaptation Challenges and Strategies of Immigrant Elite Coaches Working within the Canadian Sport System

Lead Researcher: Robert Schinke, Laurentian University
Project Partner: Coaches of Canada


Évaluation des pratiques nutritionnelles recommandées par les entraineurs

Lead Researcher: Vicky Drapeau, Université Laval
Project Partner: Réseau du Sport Étudiant de Québec (RSEQ)

Coaches’ Use of Observational Learning: Current Status and Future Opportunities

Lead Researchers: Melissa Wiman, Laurentian University and Barbi Law, Nipissing University
Project Partner: Skate Canada


Understanding the Problem Solving Approaches of High-Performance 100-meter Sprint Coaches

Lead Researcher: James Denison, University of Alberta
Project Partner: Athletics Canada

Coaching Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Athletes: Identifying Training Needs for Canadian Coaches

Lead Researcher: Guylaine Demers, Professor, Université Laval
Project Partner: CAAWS

Effet d’une formation des entraîneurs par la simulation dans les sports acrobatiques

Lead Researchers: Mikael Begon, Université de Montreal and Jonathan Tremblay, Université de Montreal
Project Partners: Plongeon Québec, Gymnastique Québec , Fédération Québécoise de Ski Acrobatique


Understanding How Coaches Learn and Apply Information from a NCCP Competition Development Module

Lead Researcher: Penny Werthner, University of Ottawa
Project Partner: Coaches Association of Ontario

A Process Evaluation of a Highly Successful Youth Sport Program for Athletes with Disabilities

Lead Researcher: Jean Côté, Queen’s University
Project Partner: Kingston Y Penguins Aquatic Club

The Self-Regulation of Women Coaches

Lead Researcher: Natalie Durand-Bush, University of Ottawa
Project Partner: CAC


Building Community Level Coaching Capacity

Lead Researcher: Margaret Gallant, St Francis Xavier University
Project Partner: Nova Scotia Department of Health Promotion and Protection

Understanding the Process Elite-level Coaches Have Gone Through to Develop Expertise

Lead Researchers: Alan Salmoni, University of Western Ontario and Volker Nolte, University of Western Ontario
Project Partner: Rowing Canada Aviron

« Impact des entraîneurs dans le développement des habiletés de vie des adolescents-athlètes » auprès des entraîneurs du niveau développement (élite)

Lead Researcher: Christiane Trottier, Université Laval
Project Partner: Centre Multisports Montreal

Analyse des connaissances des entraîneurs inscrits à une formation Introduction à la compétition – Partie B » en matière de planification d’entraînement

Lead Researcher: Martin Roy, Université Sherbrooke
Project Partner: Conseil Sport Loisir de l'Estrie et Sports Québec


Sources of coaching knowledge for NCCP Level 2/3 and Comp-Int / Comp-Dev coaches

Lead Researcher: Jean Côté, Queen’s University
Project Partner: CAC

Assessment of Ethical Coaching Practices: A Tool for Athletes

Lead Researcher: Gretchen Kerr, University of Toronto
Project Partner: Multiple NSOs

NCCP Community Sport Initiation Program: Are Trained Coaches Implementing LTAD Appropriate Practices

Lead Researcher: Gordon Bloom, McGill University
Project Partner: X-Country Ski Quebec


Quantifying the Activities associated with the Incremental Development of Coaches in Canadian Track and Field

Lead Researcher: Brad Young, University of Alberta
Project Partner: Athletics Canada

Collaborative Project with 4 Minor Hockey Coaches

Lead Researchers: Claude Bordeleau, Université de Québec à Chicoutimi and Linda Morency, Université de Québec à Chicoutimi 
Project Partner: Hockey Quebec

The Learning and Mentoring Processes of Head and Assistant Coaches in Alpine Skiing: Alpine – New Model of Evaluation

Lead Researcher: Penny Werthner, University of Ottawa
Project Partner: Canadian Ski Coaches Federation

Coaches’ Perceptions of the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP): Expectations, Awareness, and Value

Lead Researcher: Karen Danylchuk, University of Western Ontario
Project Partner: Coaches Association of Ontario