Coaching Association of Canada

Multi-sport Training

The following multi-sport coaching modules will enhance your coaching repertoire!

Many of these have been integrated by sports into their own sport-specific workshops while other sports require their coaches to take them separately through our network of Provincial and Territorial Coaching Representatives. 

All of these multi-sport modules can help you reach higher as a coach, and can also be counted towards Maintenance of Certification.

To enroll in one of the following multi-sport coaching modules today, please click here and then click on your Province or Territory for more information.

To download an overview of all these multi-sport modules, please click here.

Multi-sport Modules

Aboriginal Coaching Modules | Advanced Practice Planning | Basic Mental Skills | Coaching and Leading Effectively
Coaching in Secondary Schools | Design a Basic Sports Program | Developing Athletic Abilities | Empower +
Fundamental Movement Skills | Leading Drug-free Sport | Make Ethical Decisions | Making Head Way
Manage a Sport Program | Managing Conflict | Mentorship | Nutrition | Performance Planning | Planning a Practice
Prevention and Recovery | Psychology of Performance | Resistance Training | Teaching and Learning

If you work with, or supervise youth of Aboriginal heritage, this workshop is an essential resource. If you wish to understand, relate to, and apply Aboriginal cultural perspectives that will allow you to motivate, inspire, and lead those youth towards a successful and meaningful lifestyle, this workshop was designed for you.

This interactive workshop is available to both Aboriginal and mainstream organizations who have Aboriginal youth in their sport, social, or employment programs. Aboriginal Sport Circle’s trained instructors will facilitate discussions which include role playing and group activities to engage all participants. This type of interactive setting has provided a fun, fulfilling, and positive learning experience for both participants and facilitators alike.

The workshop includes unique methods and perspectives not found in mainstream coaching certification programs. It is holistic in its approach and includes teachings of the Medicine Wheel, the four gifts, as well as the values within the four pillars and many other issues that are unique to Aboriginal culture.

The Aboriginal Coaching Modules were designed to provide culturally relevant courses for coaches and people working with Aboriginal youth and athletes.

To enrol in this multi-sport coaching module today, please click here and then click on your Province or Territory for more information, or contact your Provincial or Territorial Aboriginal Sport Body.

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For individual training sessions to effectively contribute to the overall objectives of an annual training plan, a coach must understand the outcome of each training session and how their cumulative effects will contribute to athletic development.

The Advanced Practice Planning module examines the impact of daily training sequencing, and the manipulations that can affect training outcomes.

This 4.75-hour module is a great follow-up to the Planning a Practice module. It is recommended that the Performance Planning module be taken before Advanced Practice Planning.

After completing the Advanced Practice Planning module, you will be able to:

  • identify the factors that affect practice planning;
  • ensure that practice plans are consistent with the microcycles and phases of which they are part;
  • sequence exercises in a practice so that their order is consistent with the research on sequencing;
  • develop a plan for training athletic abilities over a microcycle;
  • develop a plan for training technical and tactical abilities over a microcycle; and
  • develop a plan for a microcycle that helps athletes taper before a competition.

To enrol in this multi-sport coaching module today, please click here and then click on your Province or Territory for more information.

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The 3.5-hour Basic Mental Skills module gives you the ability to:

  • recognize signs indicating that an athlete may need to improve his/her goal setting, focus, and anxiety control skills; and develop tools to help the athlete to make improvements in these areas; and
  • run simple guided activities that help athletes improve basic mental skills.

To enrol in this multi-sport coaching module today, please click here and then click on your Province or Territory for more information.

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The 8.75-hour Coaching and Leading Effectively module gives you the skills needed to:

  • promote a positive image of sport, and model it to athletes and those supporting their performance;
  • deliver clear messages and explanations when communicating with athletes and their supporters;
  • identify opportunities to interact with all athletes and use feedback to improve and correct performance and behaviour.

To enrol in this multi-sport coaching module today, please click here and then click on your Province or Territory for more information.

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This 3-hour workshop is designed to assist in the development of core competencies that will increase your effectiveness as a coach of school sport and help you have a meaningful impact on student-athletes. More specifically, you will be able to:

  • apply and integrate Canadian Sport for Life into school sport programming;
  • apply an ethical decision-making process to school sport scenarios;
  • apply a school sport philosophy and the NCCP Code of Ethics to your school sport program;
  • integrate safety standards into school sport coaching;
  • manage school sport policies and procedures; and
  • apply the roles and responsibilities of a school sport coach.

These workshops are delivered by the School Sport Organizations in the following provinces only:

To enrol in this multi-sport coaching module today, please click here and then click on your Province or Territory for more information.

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Design a Basic Sport Program, a 4.5-hour module, will teach you to:

  • create a sound outline for your sport program that includes competition and training events;
  • compare your program to those outlined by the NCCP in terms of long-term athlete development;
  • assess the athletic development opportunities your program offers, and identify ways to remedy any weaknesses;
  • interpret the information in a sample program, identifying training priorities and objectives at certain periods; and
  • establish a link between your program’s training objectives and the content of practice sessions.

To enrol in this multi-sport coaching module today, please click here and then click on your Province or Territory for more information.

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After completing the 8.75-hour Developing Athletic Abilities module, you will:

  • be able to implement general and sport-specific training protocols and methods to effectively develop or maintain the athletic abilities necessary for your sport;
  • know how to apply training principles and variables to training methods that build fitness, endurance, strength, speed and sport-specific conditioning; and
  • be able to select and adapt testing and training protocols.

INCLUDES: 2 hour online pre-workshop session

To enrol in this multi-sport coaching module today, please click here and then click on your Province or Territory for more information.

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Take your coaching to the next level!

An incredible addition to our NCCP workshop lineup, the 3.5-hour Empower + module is an intense and thought provoking 4-hour workshop that will teach you how to enhance the well-being of the athletes in your care and be a positive role model in the world of sport.

In an interactive and dynamic learning environment, our expert facilitators will guide you through how to enhance athlete welfare by:

  • recognizing the potential for, and presence of maltreatment in sport; and
  • learning when and how to intervene when you observe or suspect maltreatment.

You will bring your coaching to new heights by:

  • implementing the NCCP's renowned six-step decision-making model;
  • mastering the art of the difficult conversation; and
  • creating a list of key positive athlete development strategies you can implement in your coaching right away.

This NCCP workshop will set you up for success in coaching and in life! 

To enrol in this multi-sport coaching module today, please click here and then click on your Province or Territory for more information.

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The Fundamental Movement Skills of throwing, catching, jumping, striking, running, kicking, agility, and balance and coordination, form the basis for future sport skill development and for the life-long enjoyment of physical activity.

The FMS module will give participants the skills to:

  • analyze and identify the various stages of development for the fundamental movement skills;
  • apply a six-step process to teaching the fundamental movement skills; and
  • create safe games where children can practise fundamental movement skills.

Learn how to OBSERVE and IMPROVE the fundamental movement skills through the format listed below which is best suited to you and your line of work (also see the Professional Development page for FMS PD).

Community Leader
Target: Recreation leaders, sport camp leaders, etc.
Format: 7.5-hour workshop.

High School Leadership
Target: High school students.
Format: Composed of 9 lesson plans delivered by the Physical Education Teacher at your school in 7.5 hours.

To enrol in this multi-sport coaching module today, please click here and then click on your Province or Territory for more information.

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After taking the 3.5-hour Leading Drug-free Sport module you will be able to:

  • fully understand and explain the consequences of using banned substances in sport;
  • educate athletes about drug-testing protocols at major competitions;
  • encourage athletes to safeguard their sport values and take greater responsibility for their personal actions; and
  • apply the NCCP Ethical Decision-Making Model to your coaching as it relates to keeping your sport and athletes drug-free.

To enrol in this multi-sport coaching module today, please click here and then click on your Province or Territory for more information.

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By successfully completing the 3.5-hour Make Ethical Decisions workshop you will be fully equipped to handle virtually any ethical situation with confidence and surety.

MED is one of the NCCP’s cornerstone workshops, and leaves coaches with no doubt as to what to do when the going gets tough.

Upon completing the MED module you’ll be able to:

  • analyze a challenging situation and determine if it has moral, legal or ethical implications; and
  • apply the NCCP Ethical Decision-Making Model to properly respond to each situation in a way that is consistent with the NCCP Code of Ethics.

To enrol in this multi-sport coaching module today, please click here and then click on your Province or Territory for more information.

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After completing the online Making Head Way in Sport module, you will understand:

  • what to do to prevent concussions;
  • how to recognize the signs and symptoms of a concussion;
  • what to do when you suspect an athlete has a concussion; and
  • how to ensure athletes return to play safely.

Click here to learn more about the Making Head Way concussion eLearning module, or to begin.

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As coaches begin to take on more responsibility, they are expected to plan and execute tasks that go beyond the delivery of daily training and the management of the daily training environment.

The 4-hour Manage a Sport Program module provides coaches with the opportunity to plan and interact with program budgeting, setting staff and team expectations, arranging team travel, building athlete agreements, and reporting on athlete/team progress.

This module is perfect for any club head coach, provincial team coach, aspiring team manager, or technical administrator.

After completing the Manage a Sport Program module, you will be able to:

  • manage administrative aspects of the program and oversee logistics;
  • manage staff’s roles and responsibilities;
  • manage camp and tournament finances and travel; and
  • report on athlete progress throughout program.

To enrol in this multi-sport coaching module today, please click here and then click on your Province or Territory for more information.

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The 4.5-hour Managing Conflict module will allow you to:

  • identify common sources of conflict in sport;
  • determine which individuals or groups are most likely to find themselves in situations involving conflict;
  • learn important skills that will help you prevent and solve conflict resulting from misinformation, miscommunication or misunderstanding; and
  • develop skills that will empower you to listen and speak effectively in conflict situations while maintaining positive relationships with athletes, parents, officials and other coaches.

To enrol in this multi-sport coaching module today, please click here and then click on your Province or Territory for more information.

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The 6.75-hour Mentorship module is designed to prepare individuals to step into their role as a mentor with clarity of purpose, and confidence in their actions. The training reaffirms and strengthens their abilities and skills as a mentor, while expanding upon the mentor’s knowledge of the mentoring process. Completing the training will provide the mentor with standards and protocols for the implementation of mentoring within their coaching community.

By the end of the training, the mentor will:

  • understand the concept of mentoring;
  • understand the process of cognitive coaching;
  • acquire and perform the communication skills required to be an effective mentor; and
  • utilize the 3 steps of the mentoring process.

Training will include small group tasks, discussions, and debriefs. The emphasis will be on practicing the communication skills required of a mentor.

To enrol in this multi-sport coaching module today, please click here and then click on your Province or Territory for more information.

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After taking the 1.5-hour Nutrition module you will be able to:

  • determine if foods and beverages consumed by your athletes before, during and after training are adequate;
  • offer suggestions for more suitable food and beverage alternatives when necessary; and
  • gain a better understanding of the best way to promote healthy food choices that are consistent with basic sport nutrition principles to both athletes and their parents.

To enrol in this multi-sport coaching module today, please click here and then click on your Province or Territory for more information.

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In order to achieve peak performance, an athlete’s training program needs to be periodized according to the demands of their sport, as well as their individual development needs. The Performance Planning module allows coaches to reflect on the structure of a yearly plan, and appropriately sequence training and development priorities so as to achieve peak performance.

This 12.25-hour module is a perfect next-step after the Design a Basic Sport Program module. It is recommended that the Performance Planning module be taken before the Advanced Practice Planning module.

After completing the Performance Planning module, you will be able to:

  • perform a thorough analysis of the demands of your athletes’ sport at the elite (high-performance) level;
  • outline a program structure based on training and competition opportunities;
  • identify appropriate measures for promoting athlete development within your own program;
  • integrate yearly training priorities into your own program;
  • organize and sequence training priorities and objectives on a weekly basis to optimize adaptations; and
  • evaluate the ability of your athletes/team to perform up to their potential in competition.

INCLUDES: approximately 2-hour pre-workshop session

To enrol in this multi-sport coaching module today, please click here and then click on your Province or Territory for more information.

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The 5-hour Planning a Practice module will give you the skills to:

  • organize a well-structured practice plan with safe, age-appropriate activities you’ve designed to match the proficiency level of participants;
  • identify potential risk factors that could impact the sport and practice activities;
  • create an emergency action plan; and
  • identify practice goals and design activities that offer the best training benefits for the athletic skills required in your sport.

To enrol in this multi-sport coaching module today, please click here and then click on your Province or Territory for more information.

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After taking the 7.5-hour Prevention and Recovery workshop you will have the knowledge needed to:

  • identify common injuries in your sport and develop appropriate prevention and recovery strategies to keep your athletes injury-free during training and competition;
  • offer valuable information and guidance on hydration, nutrition and sleep as they relate to injury prevention;
  • choose skills and drills that help athletes perform appropriate warm-ups and cool-downs;
  • develop functional evaluations for an athlete’s return to play; and
  • implement recovery and regeneration techniques to help an athlete maintain or return to optimal performance post injury.

To enrol in this multi-sport coaching module today, please click here and then click on your Province or Territory for more information.

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Completing the 7-hour Psychology of Performance workshop will allow you to:

  • help athletes learn to manage distractions and use visualization techniques to prepare themselves technically and tactically for training and competition;
  • learn how to work with athletes or teams to identify performance and process goals related to their ability to focus on performance; and
  • learn debriefing skills that can be used to help athletes assess their performance in both training and competition.

To enrol in this multi-sport coaching module today, please click here and then click on your Province or Territory for more information.

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A must-have for competitive coaches, this 3.5-hour dynamic and interactive introductory workshop will teach you how to prevent injuries and increase athlete performance through proven resistance training tools. After finishing this module, you will able to use resistance exercises that are appropriate to your athletes’ stage(s) of development to develop strength. In particular, you will be able to:

  • identify appropriate resistance training exercises and sequences of exercises for developing strength; and
  • help athletes correctly perform resistance training exercise sand monitor their training programs.

To enrol in this multi-sport coaching module today, please click here and then click on your Province or Territory for more information.

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Upon completing the 5.25-hour Teaching and Learning module you will be able to:

  • assess your own beliefs regarding effective teaching;
  • analyze certain coaching situations to determine if they promote learning;
  • create conditions that promote learning and self-esteem through:
    • appropriate consideration of the affective, cognitive and motor dimensions of learning;
    • the use of words and methods that relate to an athlete’s preferred learning style;
    • a sound organization;
    • active supervision; and
    • the use of well-formulated feedback offered at the right time and with the right frequency.
  • use teaching assessment grids to gather objective information on teaching effectiveness, and use this data to develop an action plan to enhance your own effectiveness as a teacher and coach.

To enrol in this multi-sport coaching module today, please click here and then click on your Province or Territory for more information.

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