Coaching Association of Canada

Transfer of Qualifications

As you may know, the NCCP is transitioning away from delivering Level 1, 2, and 3 programming. The Levels-NCCP system has been replaced by coach training opportunities that are grouped into three main streams: Competition, Instruction, and Community Sport. Many sports still refer to this revised system as the ‘New NCCP’.

Starting in October 2014, coaches will begin to see their Levels-NCCP qualifications “transferred” to this revised system.

The sports currently transferred are:

  • Alpine Ski
  • Archery
  • Athletics
  • Badminton
  • Basketball
  • Baseball
  • Biathlon
  • Boccia
  • Broomball
  • Canoe Kayak
  • Cross Country Skiing
  • Curling
  • Cycling
  • Diving
  • Equestrian
  • Fencing
  • Field Hockey
  • Figure Skating
  • Football
  • Freestyle
  • Hockey
  • Judo
  • Karate
  • Lacrosse
  • Lawn Bowls
  • Luge
  • Orienteering
  • Racquetball
  • Ringette
  • Rowing
  • Sailing
  • Shooting
  • Ski Jumping
  • Snowboard
  • Softball
  • Special Olympics
  • Speed Skating
  • Squash
  • Synchronized Swimming
  • Swimming
  • Table Tennis
  • Team handball 
  • Tenpin Bowling
  • Triathlon
  • Tennis
  • Waterski & Wakeboard
  • Wheelchair Basketball
  • Wrestling
  • Volleyball
  • 5-pin Bowling

For more information on the NCCP, please click here.

For more information on the Transfer of Qualifications, please consult the list below!

    • Why are my qualifications being transferred?

      Your qualifications are being transferred so that the NCCP coaching partnership can better serve you and provide you with information and opportunities that are relevant to today’s coaching demands and in today’s coaching environment.
    • How do I know if “Transfer of Qualifications” will apply to me?

      Your qualifications will only be transferred if you have Levels-NCCP credits or certifications, and your sport has completed transitioning its Levels-NCCP programs to the ‘New NCCP’. As of October 8th, 2014, those sports are: broomball, baseball, diving, lacrosse, ringette, synchronized swimming and tenpin bowling.
    • How can I see my new qualifications?

      Your qualifications will automatically be transferred to your transcript and will be identified as “Transferred”. To see your NCCP transcript, please click here
    • What is my NCCP# and how do I access the Locker?

      You can access the Locker by clicking here. From there, you can retrieve your NCCP# by providing your email address. If you are still having difficulty retrieving your NCCP#, please contact Coach & Partner Services at or 613-235-5000. You will need to provide them with your full name and date of birth to obtain your NCCP#.
    • Will I lose the qualifications or training I have completed? Are my Levels-NCCP qualifications still valid?

      Everything you have completed in the NCCP will remain on your transcript. None of your qualifications will be removed and your Levels-NCCP qualifications will still be recognized by the sport community, including your National Sport Organization.
    • Will I need to complete any other training?

      Safe and ethical coaching is the cornerstone of the NCCP. All coaches must complete the Make Ethical Decisions component of their program in order to achieve or maintain ‘certified’ status in The Locker. For information on Make Ethical Decisions and on how to access the training or evaluation, click here.
    • If I have already done the Make Ethical Decisions online evaluation, do I need to do it again?

      No, you will not need to take the Make Ethical Decisions online evaluation again.
    • Will I need to do anything else?

      All coaches in the NCCP must now maintain their certification by actively coaching and by engaging in professional development opportunities. For more information on maintaining your certification, click here.
    • Why hasn’t my sport transferred my qualifications yet?

      Only those sports that have completed the transition for their entire Levels-NCCP program are eligible to have their coaches transferred. As sports complete their transition, their coaches will have their qualifications transferred. Coaches will be notified by email from the CAC when this occurs.
    • What does this mean for me now? Can I still coach?

      Yes you can! In order to find out what your qualifications mean, and what the minimum coaching requirements are for your sport, please contact your National Sport Organization
    • How were the qualifications decided in the new system?

      An expert group involving the CAC staff, National Sport Organization staff, Provincial and Territorial Coaching Representatives staff, as well as coaches and additional coaching experts completed a thorough program audit and review to ensure all coaches received the correct transferred status.
    • I was a Level 2 Certified coach before, but now I am only listed as Trained. Why am I no longer certified?

      The CAC worked with your National Sport Organization (NSO) to set up the transfer of qualifications. In most cases, when a Levels-Coach did not receive a Certified status in the transfer, it is because the NSO requires the coach to meet an additional requirement to become certified in their new transferred status. To find out your additional training requirements, click on the ‘i’ icon located beside your Trained (Transferred) status name. You may also contact your NSO for further information.

    Have a question that we haven’t answered?

    Our Coach & Partner Services team is here to help! Please contact us at 613.235.5000 or