
CBC/Radio-Canada is Canada’s national public broadcaster and one of its largest cultural institutions. In the fulfillment of this critical role, the Corporation’s Code of Conduct and other related policies (namely policies on Conflict of Interest, Anti-Discrimination and Harassment, Political Activity, Disclosure of Wrongdoing, and Fraud and Theft) outline the broad range of values, expected behaviours, and standards of integrity and business conduct that guide employees at all levels.

CBC/Radio-Canada has created the Values and Ethics Commissioner position to nurture an ethical environment. The Commissioner is neutral and independent. To ensure this independence and neutrality, the Commissioner has a direct reporting line to the CEO.

The Commissioner’s mandate has three main components:

Advisory Role

The Commissioner provides information, advice and guidance to all employees about their own situations and their concerns regarding values and ethics, namely regarding the Code of Conduct and other related policies governing ethical behaviour, other than the Journalistic Standards and Practices.

The Commissioner is responsible for the development and management of the Corporation’s ethics program. She also periodically evaluates the ethical culture and climate of the organization, and makes recommendations.

Educational Role

The Commissioner contributes to the development and implementation of values and ethics training, providing opportunities for awareness and learning regarding such topics as ethics responsibilities, ethical issues and ethical decision-making.

Investigative Role

Concerns or complaints relating to values and ethics can be submitted directly to the Commissioner’s office by employees. Other than those relating to the Journalistic Standards and Practices. The Commissioner also acts as the designated Senior Officer for the Corporation’s Policy on the Disclosure of Wrongdoings (Whistleblower Policy).

She is also the point of contact for members of the public who have reason to believe that a CBC/Radio-Canada employee is not complying with our Code of Conduct or related policies, except for complaints regarding the Journalistic Standards and Practices, which are covered by the Ombudsmen.

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