Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Mentally Healthy Workplaces: Strategies for Success
Presenter:  Donna Hardaker, York Region Canadian Mental Health Association
Availability:  On Demand - Watch it Now

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Product Description

Join CCOHS as we present Donna Hardaker, Mental Health Works certified trainer for York Region Canadian Mental Health Association. She will educate webinar participants on mental health protective factors and on how to take care of both ourselves and others in the workplace. You will learn to recognize risk factors including conflicting tasks, work overload and unreasonable work pace. Discover how skill discretion, decision authority, perceived fairness and leveraging your workplace's social support network could help your teams build a more mentally healthy workplace.

Donna Hardaker works at the Canadian Mental Health Association, York Region Branch where she delivers the award-winning Mental Health Works program. She co-developed the training workshops, drawing on her personal experience of having a mental illness while trying to stay productive at work. She has a background in adult education, mental health policy, communication skills training and human resources management.

This webinar was recorded on May 7, 2009 as part of North American Occupational Safety and Health Week 2009.

Length: 1 hour

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