Messages from Senior Executives

President’s Message

President and CEO,

There continues to be much talk and coverage in the news about climate change. This attention has been heightened by factors like the World Meteorological Organization reporting that 2016 was the warmest year on record and that carbon dioxide levels are reaching new highs in our atmosphere.*

Amidst ongoing discussions on how to best counter evidence that human activity is affecting our climate, CBC/Radio-Canada remains mindful of its environment, and we are doing our part to minimize our footprint and help ensure environmental sustainability.

The 2016-2017 Environmental Performance Report provides the latest overview of our efforts in this area, and I am heartened by the range of projects and initiatives underway to meet our environmental objectives. The scorecard highlights achievements in key areas, like how we continue to reduce energy consumption, air emissions and the amount of waste going to landfills.

I invite you to learn more about the many innovative projects and activities that help drive these results, like the addition of electric vehicles to our fleet, the growth of our bee biodiversity initiative, and “green standards” being adopted for a Hackathon event and piloted through one of our television productions. They are proof that there are many ways to do things through our business operations that can affect our environment in a favourable or non-detrimental manner.

In celebrating the country’s 150th, now is also as good a time as any to take stock of our environment-friendly accomplishments to date, and to let them inspire us to continue our efforts and come up with new ones to help preserve the world for future generations.

Hubert T. Lacroix
President and CEO, CBC/Radio-Canada
*Source for WMO reference.

Vice-President’s Message

Vice-president Legal Services, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary

I am pleased to present the latest edition of our Environmental Performance Report. Covering the 2016-2017 period, it gives an overview of the many initiatives underway across the Corporation that aim to meet our objective to be environmentally responsible through our business processes and operations. It is also a continuing testament of our role as a good corporate citizen, showcasing how it is possible to apply sustainable business practices on many levels.

For this year, I would like to underline the addition of electric vehicles to our fleet. It is the logical next step following our purchase of hybrid vehicles in previous years, and builds on our installation of electric car charging stations at our Montreal location. While these initial steps are local in nature, our hope is that we will continue to grow our eco-friendly fleet in other locations over time, further reducing both our reliance on fossil fuels and our air emissions.

I am also proud of the work that continues in other areas, both locally and nationally, to ensure we are meeting or exceeding our environmental objectives. From the recycling of e-waste to our now paperless Environmental Management System used to track and report any environmental incidents, we are continually applying and refining ways to achieve these ends.

I thank everyone across the Corporation, along with other partners and suppliers who may be involved in the many activities described in this report. These efforts have contributed to the achievement of our goals and help us preserve the environment for a better future.

Sylvie Gadoury
Vice-president Legal Services, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary

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