Policy 1.3.2: Truth in Advertising

Effective: June 20, 2006
Responsibility: Media Vice-Presidents


Advertising that is considered by the CBC/Radio-Canada to be deceptive or misleading, whether it is caused by the omission of relevant information or by the arrangement of accurate information in such a way as to lead to a wrong conclusion, will not be accepted on CBC/Radio-Canada services.

The general impression conveyed by an advertisement must be one of accuracy and truthfulness. All statements, claims and supers featured in an advertisement must be true and accurate in themselves; audio or video elements must not contradict or negate other elements.

In order to ensure continued public confidence in the integrity of its programming, the CBC/Radio-Canada reserves the right to reject commercials that could adversely affect the value of the CBC/Radio-Canada brand.

Comparison advertising should be fair and meaningful in terms of benefits to the consumer, and should avoid images or references derogatory to other products, services or industries.

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