Summary of expenses for Julie Miville-Dechêne

Period from January 1st to March 31, 2009

The Ombudsman, French Services, is an independent appeal authority for viewers, listeners and Internet users who feel that News or information broadcast on Radio-Canada is biased, inaccurate or unfair. With the help of her assistant, the Ombudsman handles complaints, investigates facts and publicizes her findings.

The Ombudsman is a member of national and international ombudsman associations, occasionally attending symposia to hone her skills. She delivers training on journalistic responsibility to Radio-Canada staff across the country. She is invited to attend and speak at conferences in different locations to explain her role to the general public. She may occasionally hire experts to assist her. She must also present an annual report on her activities to the CBC/Radio-Canada President and CEO and Board of Directors.

Travel Expenses

Date(s) Purpose(s) Cost(s)
19-20/01/2009 Ottawa: Ombudsman’s Canadian tour $455.98
Total $455.98

Duty Entertainment Expenses for the Period January 1to March 31

Date(s) Event Descriptionn Cost
Total $0.00

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