Summary of Expenses for Alex Johnston

Period January 1st to March 31, 2017

The Strategy and Public Affairs portfolio is organised into four departments: Enterprise Communications in Ottawa, Toronto and Montréal; Public Affairs; Enterprise Strategy; and Corporate and Regulatory Affairs. There is also a collaborative reporting line between French Services Communications in Montreal and English Services Communications in Toronto on issues management, employee communications and engagement and other internal/external communications activities. In a typical month, the Vice-President is required to visit Toronto and Montreal at least once. The Strategy and Public Affairs team also collaborates with regional staff located across Canada.

The Vice-President is expected to maintain a wide network of contacts relevant to the interests of the Corporation. Travel to the regions is required to fulfill this requirement, as well as to attend stakeholder and management events, and to meet with employees.

The Vice-President attends Senior Executive Team meetings approximately seven times a year in Toronto, Montréal or Ottawa, and attends meetings of the Corporation's Board of Directors six times a year across the country.

Travel Expenses

Date(s) - Start Date(s) - End Events Description(s) Cost(s)
2017-01-11 2017-01-11 Ottawa : Business meetings $645.33
2017-01-24 2017-01-25 Montreal : Business meetings $1,134.07
2017-01-31 2017-02-02 Ottawa : Business meetings $1,039.44
2017-02-09 2017-02-09 Toronto : Business meetings / Trip cancelled $90.50
2017-02-16 2017-02-16 Montreal : Business meetings $296.04
2017-02-17 2017-02-17 Ottawa : Business meetings $42.00
2017-02-27 2017-02-27 Ottawa : Business meetings $650.35
2017-03-08 2017-03-09 Vancouver : Business meetings $2,133.57
2017-03-20 2017-03-20 Ottawa : Business meetings $659.33
2017-03-22 2017-03-24 Ottawa : Board of Directors $1,015.37
2017-03-29 2017-03-29 Ottawa : Business meetings / Trip cancelled $113.00
Total $7,819.00


Date(s) - Start Date(s) - End Events Description(s) Cost(s)
Total $0.00

GRAND TOTAL $7,819.00

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