Summary of expenses for Hubert T. Lacroix

Period from January 1st to March 31, 2010

CBC/Radio-Canada has adopted a de-centralised approach to its head office functions. This requires the President and CEO to maintain offices in Toronto, Ottawa and Montréal. He holds Senior Executive Team meetings five times a year in one of these cities, and attends meetings of the Corporation’s Board of Directors six times a year across the country. The President also travels to meet with employees in the regions.

With a large base of corporate stakeholders scattered throughout the country, the President must represent the national public broadcaster at a number of industry events and cultivate relationships with many key individuals and groups.

Hubert T. Lacroix began his term as President and CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada on January 1, 2008.

Travel Expenses

Date(s) Purpose(s) Cost(s)
21/01/2010 Toronto: Speech at Massey College $647.19
18/02/2010 Ottawa: Half-day of study (Crown corporations) and various meetings $367.25
22-26/02/2010 Vancouver: Olympics and various meetings $5,225.24
11-12/03/2010 Toronto: Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television special speaker event, and various meetings. Ottawa: Various meetings $1,086.76
14-17/03/2010 Ottawa: CBC/Radio-Canada Board of Directors meetings $1,003.45
29/03/2010 Ottawa: Various meetings, and attendance at the Canadian Women in Communications (CWC) Annual Awards Gala $122.74
31/03-01/04/2010 Quebec City: Regional tour $585.90
Total $9,038.53

Duty Entertainment

Date(s) Event Description(s) Cost(s)
12/3/2010 Ottawa: Lunch Meeting with external consultant $85.95
29/03/2010 Ottawa: Lunch meeting with a former CBC/Radio-Canada President and CEO $85.80
Total $171.75
GRAND TOTAL $9,210.28

* For additional information on the treatment of business travelling expenses of the President and CEO for work in Ottawa please click here.

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