Visiting RMC

RMC is situated on Point Frederick just east of downtown Kingston, Ontario. It is a beautiful location, overlooking the city, the entrance to the St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario.

RMC Liaison will not be offering tours from the 22 December 2017 to the 03 January 2018.  Tours will resume on the 04 January, 2018.  RMC March Break Open House Wednesday 14 March 2018 at 1:00 p.m. Please request a reservation by email to

Potential undergraduate candidates and their families are encouraged to participate in a tour of the Royal Military College of Canada. Tours are normally offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1:30 p.m. throughout most of the year and reservations are required. Please contact or call 1-866-762-2672 reservations are required.

  1. To get to RMC from Highway 401, take Exit 623 (County Road 15) and
  2. drive south until it ends at the T-junction with County Road 2. 
  3. Turn right (west),
  4. then at the next set of lights, turn left. 
  5. Turn immediately right onto Precision Drive, and you are at the main gate of RMC.
Enlarged map showing locations of visitor access areas in relation to main gate and guardhouse
(1) Security Control Centre
(2) Currie Building West Entrance
(3) College Orderly Room
(4) Elevator
(P) Sawyer Visitor Parking
General Crerar Crescent
Valour Drive
Precision Drive
(Arrow) to main gate and guardhouse

Welcome to the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC)

  1. When you arrive at RMC, please use the visitor parking, available in the west end of the Sawyer Parking lot.
  2. Proceed to the Security Control Centre to obtain a visitor's pass. The Control Centre is located in the Girouard Building, Room 231.
  3. Use the call button located just outside the door to request access to the building.
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