Editorial - Fred Mattocks

I am pleased to welcome you to the fifth issue of SYNC, which continues to put the spotlight on the Corporation’s technological initiatives to provide Canadians with the content they desire across a variety of different platforms.

I am especially pleased to be able to present this issue to you on the eve of CBC/Radio-Canada’s annual Technology Forum, which will allow the Corporation’s technology professionals to stay in sync with their peers and see the technological initiatives that will help to drive our operations over the next year. Both the Technology Forum and this issue of SYNC share a common thread: the way in which technology is enabling CBC/Radio-Canada to empower workers in the pursuit of greater quality and efficiency, all in the interest of achieving the goals set forth in Strategy 2015: Everyone, Everyway.

I hope that you will enjoy this issue and feel free to contribute to the dialogue that will shape our use of technology.

Fred Mattocks

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