Health risks and safety

Recalls and alerts. Safety at home and at work. How to be prepared for an emergency. Updates on disease outbreaks.

Services and information

Recalls and safety alerts

Recalls and safety alerts for consumer products, vehicles, food and health products.

Holiday safety

Safety tips and product alerts for holiday food, toys, risks of fire. How to stay safe while travelling.

Home safety

Testing for radon. Protection from fire. Safe use of chemicals and paints, window coverings, and water temperature.

Emergency preparedness

How to make emergency kits and plans. Prepare for extreme weather. Teach children how to cope in an emergency.

Public health notices

Updates on disease outbreaks and potential health risks to Canadians. How to protect yourself.

Workplace health and safety

Workplace hazards, rights and responsibilities. How to prevent injuries and illness. Help with compensation.

Biosafety and biosecurity

How to meet biosafety standards, and report on exposure. Licensing and permits for pathogens and toxins.

Radiation and your health

Types of radiation and how they are monitored and measured. How to safely use products that emit radiation.

Violence and abuse

Preventing violence and abuse. How to get help if you are being abused. Funding for prevention programs.

What we are doing


Dress your windows safely. Go cordless.

Learn how blind cords can be a health risk to your child.

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)

Learn about changes to the WHMIS to adopt the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals.

Public Health Notice – Outbreak of E. coli infections linked to romaine lettuce

There appears to be an ongoing risk of E. coli infections associated with the consumption of romaine lettuce. Canadians are advised to read this updated public health notice.

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