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  1. The Governor General of Canada
  2. Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette
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The Central Weekend - Queen's Diamond Jubilee

June 1, 2012 (revised on June 4, 2012)

Governor General will Travel to London to Take Part in The Central Weekend Celebrating The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

OTTAWATheir Excellencies the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, and Mrs. Sharon Johnston will travel to London, England, from June 3 to 6, 2012, to represent their fellow Canadians and take part in The Central Weekend to celebrate The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

“The Diamond Jubilee is as much a celebration of Canada as it is a celebration of The Queen’s lifetime of service. By remembering this as Canadians, we honour Her Majesty’s devotion to our country,” said His Excellency.  “Sharon and I are honoured to take part in such important celebrations. We look forward to expressing our sincerest admiration to The Queen, on behalf of all Canadians. Her Majesty has always embraced her role with dignity and grace. Her 60 years of dedicated service is a source of inspiration to us all.”

Events in which the Governor General and Mrs. Johnston will participate:

Sunday, June 3

10 a.m.
The Big Jubilee Lunch
The Governor General will deliver remarks at a luncheon with London’s Canadian community. Their Excellencies will tour a photographic exhibit of The Queen’s visits to Canada upon their arrival. Mr. Gordon Campbell, High Commissioner of Canada to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, will also deliver remarks on this occasion.
Salon Ground Floor, Canada House
OPEN TO MEDIA – During remarks only

2 p.m.
The Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant
This event will take place on the River Thames and comprise up to 1 000 boats from across the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and around the world. The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh will travel in the Royal Barge, which will form the centrepiece of the flotilla. Their Excellencies will embark on a Royal Squadron vessel. Canadian heralds will also take part in this event on the Connaught.
Imperial Wharf, Chelsea, River Thames

Monday, June 4

10:15 a.m.
Meeting with Lord William de l’Aigle Buchan, 4th Baron Tweedsmuir of Elsfield
The Governor General will meet with descendants of John Buchan, 1st Baron of Tweedsmuir of Elsfield, who was the 15th governor general of Canada, from 1935 to 1940. Lord Tweedsmuir was a prolific writer who published more than 100 works in his lifetime, including popular spy thrillers of the time, such as The Thirty-Nine Steps and Greenmantle. He initiated the Governor General’s Literary Awards which just celebrated their 75th anniversary. Lord William de l’Aigle Buchan and his brother, Edward Buchan, are the grandchildren of the former governor general.

5:30 p.m.
Pre-concert Reception
Their Excellencies will attend a reception with governors general, prime ministers and chief ministers of the Commonwealth realms, and their spouses, before the evening’s concert.
Picture Gallery, Buckingham Palace

7:30 p.m.
BBC Concert at Buckingham Palace and The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Beacons
Their Excellencies will attend the Diamond Jubilee Concert at Buckingham Palace. The musical program for the concert will feature British and Commonwealth musicians. Following the concert, a network of 2 012 beacons will be lit by communities and individuals throughout the United Kingdom, as well as the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man and the Commonwealth. As in 2002, Her Majesty The Queen will light the National Beacon.
Buckingham Palace

Tuesday, June 5

10:30 a.m.
Service of Thanksgiving
Their Excellencies will join Her Majesty The Queen, His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh and Members of The Royal Family at the National Service of Thanksgiving to Celebrate Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee, at St. Paul’s Cathedral. Two thousand people have been invited to attend this event.
South Transept, St. Paul’s Churchyard, St. Paul’s Cathedral

11:45 a.m.
Reception at Guildhall
Their Excellencies will join members of the Royal Family and other invited guests at a reception at the Guildhall, hosted by the City of London.
Art Gallery, Guildhall, Gresham Street

1:45 p.m.
Lunch hosted by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
Their Excellencies will attend a lunch hosted by the Right Honourable William Hague, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, and Mrs. Ffion Hague, in honour of the governors general, prime ministers and chief ministers of the Commonwealth realms, and their spouses.
Lancaster House

6 p.m.
Reception for the Governors General of the Realms
Her Majesty The Queen will host a reception for the governors general of the realms.
Buckingham Palace

Wednesday, June 6

9:20 a.m.
Meeting with Her Excellency Ms. Quentin Bryce, A.C., C.V.O., Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia
Both governors general will meet to discuss areas of common interest and their role as representative of Her Majesty The Queen in their respective country.

11:25 a.m.
Unveiling of the Portrait of  Her Majesty The Queen
In the presence of Her Majesty The Queen, Their Excellencies will attend the unveiling of her new portrait.
Buckingham Palace


Media information:
In Ottawa:
Julie Rocheleau          
Rideau Hall Press Office

In London:
Joanne Charette
Communications Advisor and Official Spokesperson to the Governor General
613-852-5364 (cell)

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