
Recent Change

Creation of the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers

As an official Canadian honour, the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers incorporates and replaces the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award, created in 1995 by then-governor general the Right Honourable Roméo LeBlanc. The Medal builds on the legacy and spirit of the Caring Canadian Award by honouring the dedication and commitment of volunteers.

With the April 2016 inaugural presentation of the Medal for Volunteers, new recipients will now receive a medal. Existing Caring Canadian Award recipients will subsequently receive a medal to complement their award and to recognize their ongoing commitment to volunteerism.

The Chancellery of Honours, who administers the Medal for Volunteers program, is currently contacting existing recipients with further information. If you are a Caring Canadian Award recipient and have questions about the distribution process, please direct them to or call 1-800-465-6890 (toll-free).