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More than 130 arrested after Ethiopian Israeli protests

The police in Israel now say that 136 people were arrested after Tuesday night's protests involving Ethiopian Israelis.

In a tweet, the police spokesman said that 111 officers were injured during the clashes.

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Protesters had blocked some of the country's main highways.

The demonstrations followed the burial of a teenager of Ethiopian descent who had been shot dead on Sunday by an off-duty policeman.

Demonstrators were complaining of marginalisation and victimisation.

Ethiopian Israeli protesters clash with police in Israel

Demonstrators in Israel

Police in Israel clashed with Ethiopian Israeli protesters in several cities as they tried to clear demonstrations that followed the burial of a teenager of Ethiopian descent who had been shot dead on Sunday by an off-duty policeman.

Demonstrators were complaining of marginalisation and victimisation.

The Jerusalem Post reports that the protests had brought the country "to a standstill" on Tuesday.

Forty-seven police officers were wounded and 60 demonstrators were detained as police cleared 15 road junctions, police said in a statement quoted by AFP news agency.

"We'll do whatever we can to make sure police will stop killing people because of their skin colour," one protester, told AFP.

"We don't know if this is going to happen again or not," he said of Sunday's killing.

In a video statement, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his sympathy over the death of the young man, but appealed to demonstrators to stop blocking the junctions.

The officer accused of killing Solomon Tekah, 18, has been detained on suspicion of manslaughter.

A police statement said the officer, who was not on duty, was trying to separate two young people who had been having a row. The two men then turned on the policeman, who opened fire fearing for his own safety, the statement says.

But an eyewitness quoted by Ha'aretz newspaper said that the officer had threatened the youths with his weapon first.

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