Building a Youth Policy for Canada

Help develop Canada’s first-ever Youth Policy. Shape the future of young people in Canada!

Share your ideas

We’re building Canada’s first-ever youth policy


Taping Date: January 16, 2018

Updated January 23, 2018

Hello, my friends. I’m happy you’re here today.

I believe it’s every young person’s responsibility to take a positive role in shaping the future.

I also believe it’s our government’s responsibility to give opportunities to young people to do just that.

So as Minister of Youth, I’m here to support you – but to do that, I need your help.

I want to hear from you on the issues you care about most –

Whether it’s alleviating poverty, combatting climate change, or advancing mental health care.

What matters to you will be crucial in developing Canada’s first youth policy.

So, let’s get started.

Just answer the question below, and don’t forget to share this site with your friends.

A better country is within our reach, and it’s up to you.