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What's Your Story

What's Your Story yearbook: 116 profiles, 279 photographs, 220 pages

What's Your Story

One Canadian life — told in 7 cars

What's Your Story

Forget pet rock! Why my childhood boulder keeps me connected to Canada

What's Your Story

How one residential school survivor has seen Canada change between two Trudeaus

What's Your Story

'I knew things would be better': leaving 1940s war-torn Europe for Canada as a child

What's Your Story

This 9-year-old's view of Canada was shaped by a sudden storm, a trike and a total stranger

What's Your Story

How an Edmonton neighbourhood in the '80s was home to a global community

What's Your Story

In 1975, 53 people, 42 horses and 13 wagons went on a cross country trip. I was there.

What's Your Story

How a fishing trip helped me understand my grandpa — and small town Canada