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The problems with The Problem With Apu

Facebook's Zuckerberg vows to do better, apologizes in testimony to Congress

Quebec City mosque shooter seeks right to parole after 25 years


Watch a robot build a 3D printed house

Alberta willing to buy Trans Mountain pipeline if necessary, premier says

Truck involved in Humboldt Broncos crash belongs to Calgary company

500 Syrians treated for symptoms of gas poisoning in Douma, WHO says

Russian envoy warns any U.S. missiles fired at Syria will be shot down

​Humboldt Broncos fund among 5 highest-ever GoFundMe campaigns

Trumps, Trudeaus, Obamas not invited to wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle


Telecom mediator adds staff to deal with soaring complaints about Bell, Rogers, Telus and others

2 women charged after girl vanishes from Toronto apartment overnight, is found 15 km away

Trump believes he can fire Mueller, White House says


Teen impaled by golf club walks again, defying doctors' predictions

Stephen Harper criticized for congratulating Hungary's Orban following anti-immigrant campaign

Manitoba Hells Angels target businesses by posting 1-star reviews

In Depth

Risky business: Trans Mountain twist pits shareholders against taxpayers

'Very urgent': Activists want global treaty to ban killer robots by 2019