White Coat, Black Artwith Dr. Brian Goldman


Getting help for burned-out doctors

A new U.S. charter on physician well-being aims to reduce rates of burnout. @NightshiftMD says the health-care system needs some healing too.

White Coat. Black Art. Red tape? Your stories (and some answers) about stupid health-care rules

White Coat, Black Art recently asked listeners for their stories about encountering seemingly stupid rules in the health-care system. Dozens shared their tales of frustration, looking for answers.
white coat

Still Kathryn: At 21, she cared for a mom with Alzheimer's

Meet Kathryn Fudurich, who moved home to care for mother Pat when she was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's.

Your next gynecologist will probably be a woman

Women now dominate the ranks of ob-gyns and some men feel excluded. @NightshiftMD explains why.

PTSD in the hospital: Why the emotional scars of serious illnesses linger long after treatment

What happens when the health-care system that heals you also leaves behind long-lasting emotional scars?

The pitfalls of consumer breast cancer gene testing

Consumer genetics company 23andMe is offering breast cancer testing without going to your doctor. @NightshiftMD tells you if it's worth it.

How safe is your medical device? Even regulators may not really know

Could your hip replacement hurt you? Journalist Jeanne Lenzer explores the medical device industry in her new book, The Danger Within Us, and Dr. David Urbach tells us why Canada's device regulators should be doing a better job.
Dr. Goldman's Blog

Should doctors recommend acupuncture?

Some doctors recommend it. Others call it quackery. Dr. Brian Goldman, @NightshiftMD weighs in on an increasingly polarizing debate.

Endometriosis: My painful search for answers

Danielle d'Entremont, a young woman who was recently diagnosed with endometriosis, shares her six-year journey to find out what was wrong with her, and the discoveries she made along the way about how society discriminates against women's pain.

Extreme period pain is 'not just part of being a woman,' says women's health expert

Women's health expert Dr. Catherine Allaire says celebrities like Lena Dunham, who recently wrote about undergoing surgery to treat her endometriosis, can help raise awareness of this serious condition.

#MeToo in medicine: Culture of silence keeps med students from reporting abuse by their mentors

White Coat, Black Art spoke to students and residents at almost every medical school across Canada. They detailed incidents ranging from inappropriate comments to unwanted groping to sexual assault — often by their direct superiors.
Dr. Goldman's Blog

New opioid guidelines may help more patients get treatment

There are new opioid addiction guidelines. But will they help reduce overdose deaths in Canada? Dr. Brian Goldman (@NightshiftMD) gives his analysis.
dr. goldman's blog

Is there a doctor on board?

More and more passengers need medical assistance during commercial flights. @NightshiftMD asks if airlines are prepared.

'It's the hardest conversation we can have': Confronting racism in health care

The San'yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training program uses blunt talk to confront racial bias in Canadian health care, with the goal of making care safer and more accessible for Indigenous patients.

Meet the next generation of caregivers

Clare and Ellery are the sisters of 18-year-old Gillian who has pervasive autism. They plan to take over her care at some point down the line.

What it's like to have a sister with special-needs, aka Boo-Bear

Clare and Ellery are the sisters of 18-year-old Gillian who has special needs, including pervasive autism. They expect to care for her when their parents no longer can.

'The community needs to step up' says caregiver advocate

“Are we supporting families as much as we can for the whole duration of their caregiving experience?” asks Dr. Yona Lunsky who works with people with developmental disabilities and their families.

The other side of PTSD

White Coat, Black Art is looking for stories about cancer survivors and other former patients who suffer from PTSD.
Dr. Goldman's Blog

Should your doctor ask what's on your bucket list?

Patients hate talking about death. But a bucket list is something different. @NightshiftMD on the better way to frame a difficult conversation.

Cake, balloons, goodbye: What happens when your special needs child ages out of the system

The story of Gilly, an 18-year girl with autism and developmental delay on the cusp of aging out of the system – and the parents who are expected to pick up the slack.

Is there a better way to fight the flu?

For several years flu experts and public health officials have had to sell the public on yearly vaccines that are less effective than they'd like. Is it time to rethink how we fight the flu?
White Coat

Your questions about the flu, answered!

Dr. Brian Goldman, host of White Coat, Black Art took your questions about the flu during a Facebook live event on Tuesday Feb. 6.

Do we need a 'moon shot' for the flu shot?

Data released this week confirmed that this year's flu shot is less than 20 per cent effective in fighting the most common strain of influenza. One of Canada's most prominent flu experts, Dr. Danuta Skowronski, says it's time to consider a "moon shot" to fight the flu.

The 'holy grail': We're a decade away from a universal flu vaccine

Matthew Miller of McMaster University explains why a universal flu vaccine could be a magic bullet for preventing the flu.
Dr. Goldman's Blog

Doctors are finally helping stop superbugs

A new kind of thinking is helping curb the over-prescribing of antibiotics. @NightshiftMD explains why doctors are finally starting to get the message.