David A. Cimon

Senior Economist

David Cimon is a Senior Economist in the Financial Markets Department at the Bank of Canada. His current research focuses on financial market structure and the impact of regulation. Recent topics include: conflict of interest in the brokerage market, the impact of regulation on market making, latency delays, and crowdfunding.


David A. Cimon

Senior Economist
Financial Markets
Market Structure and Regulation

Bank of Canada
234 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON, K1A 0G9


Order Flow Segmentation, Liquidity and Price Discovery: The Role of Latency Delays

Staff Working Paper 2018-16 Michael Brolley, David A. Cimon
Latency delays—known as “speed bumps”—are an intentional slowing of order flow by exchanges. Supporters contend that delays protect market makers from high-frequency arbitrage, while opponents warn that delays promote “quote fading” by market makers. We construct a model of informed trading in a fragmented market, where one market operates a conventional order book and the other imposes a latency delay on market orders.

Banking Regulation and Market Making

Staff Working Paper 2017-7 David A. Cimon, Corey Garriott
We present a model of market makers subject to recent banking regulations: liquidity and capital constraints in the style of Basel III and a position limit in the style of the Volcker Rule.

Broker Routing Decisions in Limit Order Markets

Staff Working Paper 2016-50 David A. Cimon
The primary focus of this paper is to study conflict of interest in the brokerage market. Brokers face a conflict of interest when the commissions they receive from investors differ from the costs imposed by different trading venues.

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  • BSocSci, University of Ottawa
  • MA, Carleton University
  • PhD, University of Toronto

Research Interests

  • Financial Economics
  • Financial Market Microstructure


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