Federal Support to Provinces and Territories

In 2018-19, provinces and territories will receive $75.4 billion through major transfers.

Federal Support to Provinces and Territories
(millions of dollars)
  2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Major Transfers1                    
Canada Health Transfer2 24,476 25,672 26,952 28,569 30,283 32,113 34,026 36,068 37,150 38,584
Canada Social Transfer3 10,857 11,179 11,514 11,859 12,215 12,582 12,959 13,348 13,748 14,161
Equalization4 14,185 14,372 14,659 15,423 16,105 16,669 17,341 17,880 18,254 18,958
Offshore Offsets5 645 869 787 443 350 196 125 44 36 -95
Territorial Formula Financing6 2,498 2,664 2,876 3,111 3,288 3,469 3,561 3,603 3,682 3,785
Total Transfer Protection7   525 952 680 56          
Additional payment8 74                  
Total - Federal Support 52,736 55,281 57,739 60,085 62,297 65,029 68,013 70,943 72,870 75,393
Per Capita Allocation (dollars) 1,570 1,628 1,683 1,731 1,774 1,832 1,900 1,959 1,988 2,031

See additional notes
1 The advance Fiscal Stabilization payments to Newfoundland and Labrador ($31.7 million) and to Alberta ($251.4 million) for 2015-16 are not included. One-time recoverable payments to Ontario ($150 million) and Prince Edward Island ($1 million) for 2011-12 are not included either.
2 Canada Health Transfer includes transition protection payments for 2008-09.
It includes Canada Health Transfer includes transition protection payments to Newfoundland and Labrador and Nunavut in 2014-15.
It also includes separate payments to Ontario in respect of the Canada Health Transfer for 2009-10 ($489 million) and 2010-11 ($246 million) to ensure Ontario receives the same Canada Health Transfer cash support as other Equalization-receiving provinces.
3 Canada Social Transfer includes transition protection payments in 2009-10.
It excludes $31.9 million from Budget 2008 transition protection payments to Saskatchewan ($31.2 million) and Nunavut ($0.7 million) notionally allocated over five and three years respectively beginning in 2008-09.
4 Includes payments and additional amounts. Also includes 2009-10 transitional Equalization protection to Nova Scotia and Manitoba. From 2009-10 onward, reflects the 2007 formula for all.
5 Offshore Offsets to Newfoundland and Labrador and Nova Scotia include cash amounts from the 1985 and 1986 Accords and cash and notional amounts from the 2005 Arrangements.
They also include Cumulative Best-of Guarantee payments/recovery to Nova Scotia. Cumulative Best-of Guarantee recovery amount in 2018-19 is a preliminary estimate.
6 As approved by Parliament, TFF payments include an additional $67 million to Yukon ($16 million), Northwest Territories ($24 million), and Nunavut ($26 million) in 2016-17, stemming from the legislative amendments to enhance the stability and predictability of the program.
7 Total Transfer Protection was provided between 2010-11 and 2013-14 to ensure that a province's total major transfers in one of these years are no lower than in the prior year.
For the purpose of calculating Total Transfer Protection, total major transfers comprise Equalization, Canada Health Transfer, Canada Social Transfer and prior year Total Transfer Protection.
8 2009-10 transition adjustment payment to Nova Scotia ($74 million).

Federal Support to Newfoundland and Labrador

In 2018-19, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador will receive $750 million through major transfers.

Federal Support to Newfoundland and Labrador
(millions of dollars)
  2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Major Transfers1                    
Canada Health Transfer2 450 436 449 468 486 490 502 528 536 548
Canada Social Transfer 164 168 171 180 184 187 191 196 198 201
Offshore Offsets                    
  1985 Accord 465 642                
  2005 Arrangement     536              
Total - Offshore Offsets4 465 642 536 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Transfer Protection5   8                
Total - Federal Support 1,079 1,253 1,157 648 670 677 694 724 734 750
Per Capita Allocation (dollars) 2,093 2,404 2,204 1,233 1,270 1,282 1,312 1,364 1,388 1,421
See additional notes
1 The advance Fiscal Stabilization payment to Newfoundland and Labrador ($31.7 million) for 2015-16 is not included.
2 Canada Health Transfer includes transition protection payments to Newfoundland and Labrador in 2014-15.
3 Amounts reflect the fact that Newfoundland and Labrador elected in 2010-11 to enter into the 2007 Equalization formula.
4 Offshore Offsets include cash amounts from the 1985 Accord. The 2005 Arrangement included an upfront payment of $2 billion in 2004-05; amounts presented here are notional allocations, not including the $1,153 million booked by Newfoundland and Labrador in 2008-09 that represents the unused portion of the upfront payment. The $536 million paid in 2011-12 under the 2005 Arrangement represents a transitional payment as Newfoundland and Labrador no longer qualifies for Equalization or Offshore Offset Payments beyond that year.
5 Total Transfer Protection was provided in 2010-11 to ensure that Newfoundland and Labrador's total major transfers in one of these years are no lower than in the prior year. For the purpose of calculating Total Transfer Protection, total major transfers comprise Equalization, Canada Health Transfer, Canada Social Transfer and prior year Total Transfer Protection and not Offshore Offset Payments.

Federal Support to Prince Edward Island

In 2018-19, the Government of Prince Edward Island will receive $638 million through major transfers.

Federal Support to Prince Edward Island
(millions of dollars)
  2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Major Transfers1                    
Canada Health Transfer 104 109 116 123 129 132 139 149 154 161
Canada Social Transfer 45 47 49 50 51 52 53 55 57 59
Equalization 340 330 329 337 340 360 361 380 390 419
Total Transfer Protection2   3                
Total - Federal Support 490 490 493 509 519 544 553 584 601 638
Per Capita Allocation (dollars) 3,504 3,459 3,430 3,514 3,578 3,728 3,775 3,912 3,958 4,131

See additional notes
1 One-time recoverable payment of $1 million for 2011-12 not included.
2 Total Transfer Protection was provided in 2010-11 to ensure that Prince Edward Island’s total major transfers in that year are no lower than in the prior year. For the purpose of calculating Total Transfer Protection, total major transfers comprise Equalization, Canada Health Transfer, Canada Social Transfer and prior year Total Transfer Protection.

Federal Support to Nova Scotia

In 2018-19, the Government of Nova Scotia will receive $3.2 billion through major transfers.

Federal Support to Nova Scotia
(millions of dollars)
  2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Major Transfers                    
Canada Health Transfer 700 728 760 800 839 852 896 944 966 996
Canada Social Transfer 302 310 317 323 328 334 341 349 357 366
Equalization1 1,391 1,110 1,167 1,268 1,458 1,619 1,690 1,722 1,779 1,933
Offshore Offsets                    
  1986 Accord                    
  2005 Arrangement 180 227 250 443 350 196 125 44 36 -95
Total - Offshore Offsets2 180 227 250 443 350 196 125 44 36 -95
Total Transfer Protection3   250 158 13            
Additional payment4 74                  
Total - Federal Support 2,648 2,626 2,652 2,848 2,975 3,001 3,052 3,060 3,138 3,201
Per Capita Allocation (dollars) 2,824 2,788 2,810 3,014 3,154 3,185 3,242 3,228 3,292 3,339
See additional notes
1 Equalization includes transitional 2009–10 Equalization protection.
2 The 2005 Arrangement included an upfront payment of $830 million in 2004-05. The amounts reported here include cash and notional allocations from the 2005 Arrangement and cash amounts from the 1986 Accord.
Offshore Offsets include $168 million in 2011-12, $146 million in 2012-13, $89 million in 2013-14, $64 million in 2014-15, $37 million in 2015-16, $33 million in 2016-17, $20 million in 2017-18, and $18 million in 2018-19 in 2005 Arrangement.
They also include $83 million in 2011-12, $297 million in 2012-13, $260 million in 2013-14, $131 million in 2014-15, $88 million in 2015-16, $11 million in 2016-17, and $16 million in 2017-18 in Cumulative Best-of Guarantee payments to Nova Scotia and a recovery of $113 million in 2018-19. Cumulative Best-of Guarantee recovery amount in 2018-19 is a preliminary estimate.
3 Total Transfer Protection was provided between 2010-11 and 2012-13 to ensure that Nova Scotia’s total major transfers in one of these years are no lower than in the prior year. For the purpose of calculating Total Transfer Protection, total major transfers comprise Equalization, Canada Health Transfer, Canada Social Transfer and prior year Total Transfer Protection and not Offshore Offset Payments.
4 2009-10 transition adjustment payment ($74 million).

Federal Support to New Brunswick

In 2018-19, the Government of New Brunswick will receive $3 billion through major transfers.

Federal Support to New Brunswick
(millions of dollars)
  2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Major Transfers                    
Canada Health Transfer 557 582 609 641 672 682 717 754 769 792
Canada Social Transfer 241 247 252 259 263 267 273 279 285 291
Equalization 1,689 1,581 1,483 1,495 1,513 1,666 1,669 1,708 1,760 1,874
Total Transfer Protection1   80 150 103 49          
Total - Federal Support 2,488 2,491 2,493 2,497 2,497 2,616 2,658 2,741 2,814 2,956
Per Capita Allocation (dollars) 3,319 3,308 3,301 3,301 3,304 3,465 3,526 3,621 3,707 3,881
See additional notes
1 Total Transfer Protection is provided between 2010-11 and 2013-14 to ensure that New Brunswick’s total major transfers in one of these years are no lower than in the prior year. For the purpose of calculating Total Transfer Protection, total major transfers comprise Equalization, Canada Health Transfer, Canada Social Transfer and prior year Total Transfer Protection.

Federal Support to Quebec

In 2018-19, the Government of Quebec will receive $23.7 billion through major transfers.

Federal Support to Quebec
(millions of dollars)
  2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Major Transfers                    
Canada Health Transfer 5,799 6,124 6,445 6,836 7,244 7,420 7,841 8,279 8,496 8,791
Canada Social Transfer 2,520 2,590 2,664 2,759 2,834 2,908 2,986 3,064 3,144 3,226
Equalization 8,355 8,552 7,815 7,391 7,833 9,286 9,521 10,030 11,081 11,732
Total Transfer Protection1     369 362            
Total - Federal Support 16,673 17,267 17,292 17,349 17,911 19,614 20,348 21,372 22,720 23,749
Per Capita Allocation (dollars) 2,128 2,180 2,162 2,148 2,199 2,391 2,467 2,571 2,710 2,809
See additional notes
1 Total Transfer Protection was provided in 2011-12 and in 2012-13 to ensure that Quebec’s total major transfers in one of these years are no lower than in the prior year. For the purpose of calculating Total Transfer Protection, total major transfers comprise Equalization, Canada Health Transfer, Canada Social Transfer and prior year Total Transfer Protection.

Federal Support to Ontario

In 2018-19, the Government of Ontario will receive $21.4 billion through major transfers.

Federal Support to Ontario
(millions of dollars)
  2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Major Transfers1                    
Canada Health Transfer2 9,722 10,141 10,673 11,339 12,037 12,353 13,095 13,899 14,362 14,965
Canada Social Transfer 4,205 4,332 4,463 4,577 4,709 4,842 4,987 5,144 5,315 5,492
Equalization3 347 972 2,200 3,261 3,169 1,988 2,363 2,304 1,424 963
Total - Federal Support 14,274 15,446 17,335 19,177 19,915 19,184 20,445 21,347 21,101 21,420
Per Capita Allocation (dollars) 1,100 1,178 1,309 1,431 1,471 1,404 1,484 1,530 1,489 1,488

See additional notes
1 One-time recoverable payment of $150 million for 2011–12 not included.
2 Canada Health Transfer includes separate payments to Ontario in respect of the Canada Health Transfer for 2009-10 ($489 million) and 2010-11 ($246 million) to ensure Ontario receives the same Canada Health Transfer cash support as other Equalization-receiving provinces.
3 Ontario qualifies for Equalization from 2009-10 onwards due to the limited relative strength of its economy when compared to the other provinces.

Federal Support to Manitoba

In 2017-18, the Government of Manitoba will receive $3.7 billion through major transfers.

Federal Support to Manitoba
(millions of dollars)
  2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Major Transfers                    
Canada Health Transfer 903 943 993 1,057 1,124 1,156 1,229 1,310 1,354 1,410
Canada Social Transfer 392 404 418 426 440 453 468 485 501 518
Equalization1 2,063 1,826 1,666 1,671 1,792 1,750 1,738 1,736 1,820 2,037
Total Transfer Protection2   175 276 201 7          
Total - Federal Support 3,359 3,348 3,352 3,355 3,363 3,359 3,436 3,531 3,675 3,965
Per Capita Allocation (dollars) 2,783 2,746 2,721 2,688 2,660 2,626 2,656 2,684 2,751 2,923
See additional notes
1 Equalization includes transitional 2009–10 Equalization protection.
2 Total Transfer Protection is provided between 2010-11 and 2013-14 to ensure that Manitoba’s total major transfers in one of these years are no lower than in the prior year. For the purpose of calculating Total Transfer Protection, total major transfers comprise Equalization, Canada Health Transfer, Canada Social Transfer and prior year Total Transfer Protection.

Federal Support to Saskatchewan

In 2018-19, the Government of Saskatchewan will receive $1.7 billion through major transfers.

Federal Support to Saskatchewan
(millions of dollars)
  2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Major Transfers                    
Canada Health Transfer 843 824 850 906 970 1,013 1,075 1,142 1,177 1,224
Canada Social Transfer1 335 342 353 371 384 397 409 423 436 449
Total Transfer Protection2   7                
Total - Federal Support 1,178 1,174 1,204 1,277 1,354 1,411 1,484 1,565 1,613 1,673
Per Capita Allocation (dollars) 1,141 1,118 1,130 1,178 1,227 1,260 1,313 1,364 1,388 1,421

See additional notes.
1 Canada Social Transfer includes transition protection payments in 2009-10. Canada Social Transfer excludes $31.2 million from Budget 2008 transition protection payment notionally allocated over five years beginning in 2008-09.
2 Canada Social Transfer includes transition protection payments for 2008-09 and 2009-10. Canada Social Transfer excludes $31.2 million from Budget 2008 transition protection payment notionally allocated over five years beginning in 2008-09.
3 Total Transfer Protection was provided in 2010-11 to ensure that Saskatchewan's total major transfers in one of these years are no lower than in the prior year. For the purpose of calculating Total Transfer Protection, total major transfers comprise Equalization, Canada Health Transfer, Canada Social Transfer and prior year Total Transfer Protection.

Federal Support to Alberta

In 2018-19, the Government of Alberta will receive $6.2 billion through major transfers.

Federal Support to Alberta
(millions of dollars)
  2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Major Transfers1                    
Canada Health Transfer 1,962 2,155 2,234 2,337 2,488 3,718 3,965 4,213 4,338 4,504
Canada Social Transfer 1,181 1,219 1,260 1,325 1,390 1,457 1,510 1,559 1,605 1,653
Total - Federal Support 3,143 3,374 3,495 3,661 3,878 5,175 5,475 5,772 5,943 6,157
Per Capita Allocation (dollars) 856 905 924 946 973 1,262 1,313 1,364 1,388 1,421

See additional notes
1 The advance Fiscal Stabilization payment to Alberta ($251.4 million) for 2015-16 is not included.

Federal Support to British Columbia

In 2018-19, the Government of British Columbia will receive $6.9 billion through major transfers.

Federal Support to British Columbia
(millions of dollars)
  2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Major Transfers                    
Canada Health Transfer 3,354 3,550 3,741 3,972 4,197 4,190 4,455 4,731 4,875 5,066
Canada Social Transfer 1,435 1,484 1,528 1,551 1,593 1,642 1,697 1,751 1,804 1,859
Total - Federal Support 4,789 5,034 5,269 5,523 5,790 5,832 6,152 6,482 6,680 6,925
Per Capita Allocation (dollars) 1,087 1,128 1,172 1,216 1,263 1,256 1,312 1,364 1,388 1,421
See additional notes

Federal Support to the Yukon

In 2018-19, the Government of Yukon will receive $1 billion through major transfers.

Federal Support to the Yukon
(millions of dollars)
  2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Major Transfers                    
Canada Health Transfer 26 26 27 29 32 33 35 38 39 40
Canada Social Transfer 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 15
Territorial Formula Financing1 612 653 705 767 817 851 874 895 919 950
Total - Federal Support 649 690 744 809 861 898 923 946 973 1,006
Per Capita Allocation (dollars) 19,298 20,005 21,046 22,512 23,829 24,487 24,796 24,909 25,299 25,836
See additional notes
1 As approved by Parliament, TFF payment includes an additional $16 million in 2016-17, stemming from the legislative amendments to enhance the stability and predictability of the program.

Federal Support to the Northwest Territories

In 2018-19, the Government of Northwest Territories will receive $1.3 billion through major transfers.

Federal Support to the Northwest Territories
(millions of dollars)
  2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Major Transfers                    
Canada Health Transfer 27 26 26 30 32 40 42 44 45 46
Canada Social Transfer 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17
Territorial Formula Financing1 864 920 996 1,070 1,121 1,209 1,233 1,220 1,232 1,256
Total - Federal Support 905 960 1,037 1,115 1,169 1,264 1,291 1,281 1,294 1,319
Per Capita Allocation (dollars) 20,953 22,244 23,864 25,572 26,738 28,849 29,247 28,686 29,044 29,666
See additional notes
1 As approved by Parliament, TFF payment includes an additional $24 million in 2016-17, stemming from the legislative amendments to enhance the stability and predictability of the program.

Federal Support to Nunavut

In 2018-19, the Government of Nunavut will receive $1.6 billion through major transfers.

Federal Support to Nunavut
(millions of dollars)
  2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Major Transfers                    
Canada Health Transfer1 27 28 29 31 34 34 35 37 38 40
Canada Social Transfer1 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15
Territorial Formula Financing2 1,022 1,091 1,175 1,273 1,350 1,409 1,454 1,489 1,530 1,579
Total - Federal Support 1,060 1,129 1,216 1,317 1,396 1,456 1,502 1,539 1,583 1,634
Per Capita Allocation (dollars) 32,512 33,942 35,677 37,993 39,550 40,368 41,090 41,460 41,745 42,204
See additional notes
1 Canada Health Transfer includes transition protection payments to Nunavut in 2014-15.
Canada Social Transfer includes transition protection payments for 2008-09 and 2009-10. Canada Social Transfer excludes $0.7 million from Budget 2008 transition protection payment to Nunavut notionally allocated over three years beginning in 2008-09..
2 As approved by Parliament, TFF payment includes an additional $26 million in 2016-17, stemming from the legislative amendments to enhance the stability and predictability of the program.

Additional Notes for Tables on Federal Support to Provinces and Territories

Totals may not add due to rounding and are subject to regular revision.

The table excludes Wait Times Reduction Transfer allocated to provinces and territories from 2009-10 to 2013-14.

CHT and CST amounts for 2017-18 and 2018-19 are preliminary. Final amounts for 2017-18 will be determined in September of 2018 and final amounts for 2018-19 will be determined in September of 2019.