Taxes and Tariffs

The Department of Finance Canada develops and evaluates federal tax policies and legislation in the areas of personal income tax, corporate income tax and sales and excise tax. The actual collection of taxes and interpretation of tax law are the responsibility of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). For information on tax collection, visit the CRA website.

The Department of Finance Canada also monitors our tariff policies and those of other nations, and it develops new policies that will best serve our economy.

Recent Tax Initiatives

Budget 2015 – Tax Measures

Tax Relief for Personnel Deployed on Designated International Operational Missions (November 30, 2017)

Backgrounder – Additional Tax Relief for Canadian Armed Forces Personnel and Police Officers (May 18, 2017)

Tax Analysis and Tax Expenditures

Tax Agreements and Treaties

Tax Legislation and Bills

Tax Policy Advisory Committees and Panels

Tax Policy Consultations

Active Consultations

Previous Consultations

Tariff Issues

Related Links