Luis Uzeda

Senior Economist

Luis Uzeda is a Senior Economist of the Real Economic Activity division in the Canadian Economic Analysis Department. His research interests are in Applied Macroeconomics, Bayesian Econometrics and Time Series Analysis. Prior to joining the Bank, Luis held positions in the Research Departments of the Reserve Bank of Australia and the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the Australian National University.


Luis Uzeda

Senior Economist
Canadian Economic Analysis
Real Economic Activity

Bank of Canada
234 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON, K1A 0G9


State Correlation and Forecasting: A Bayesian Approach Using Unobserved Components Models

Staff Working Paper 2018-14 Luis Uzeda
Implications for signal extraction from specifying unobserved components (UC) models with correlated or orthogonal innovations have been well investigated. In contrast, the forecasting implications of specifying UC models with different state correlation structures are less well understood.

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  • PhD in Economics-Australian National University (2017)

Research Interests

  • Macroeconometrics
  • Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
  • Bayesian Econometrics


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