We are Canada's central bank. We work to preserve the value of money by keeping inflation low and stable.


May 9, 2018 Strengthening Our Cyber Defences

Remarks Filipe Dinis Payments Canada Toronto, Ontario
Chief Operating Office Filipe Dinis outlines how the Bank is strengthening its cyber defenses and helping improve the financial system’s cyber resilience and its ability to recover quickly from attacks.

May 1, 2018 Canada’s Economy and Household Debt: How Big Is the Problem?

Remarks Stephen S. Poloz Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
Governor Poloz talks about household debt and how it will affect Canada’s economy and monetary policy for years.

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Exchange Rates

Canadian dollar


Schedule of Key Interest Rate Announcements and Monetary Policy Report

Eight times a year, the Bank announces its decision on the setting of its key policy interest rate.


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