Gradon Nicholls

Research Assistant

Gradon is a Research Assistant. He completed his BMath in Statistics at the University of Waterloo, and is currently pursuing an MA in Economics at Carleton University. His research interests include payment choice modelling and two sided markets.


Gradon Nicholls

Research Assistant
Economic Research and Analysis

Bank of Canada
234 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON, K1A 0G9


Bitcoin Awareness and Usage in Canada

Staff Working Paper 2017-56 Christopher Henry, Kim Huynh, Gradon Nicholls
There has been tremendous discussion of Bitcoin, digital currencies and FinTech. However, there is limited empirical evidence of Bitcoin’s adoption and usage. We propose a methodology to collect a nationally representative sample using the Bitcoin Omnibus Survey (BTCOS) to track the ubiquity and usage of Bitcoin in Canada.

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