Welcome to the Calgary Herald NIE website

Welcome to the Calgary Herald Newspaper in Education program.

What is NIE?

Newspapers In Education (NIE) is an international program that began in 1955 to advance the use of newspapers in schools as a learning resource in the classroom.

The Calgary Herald NIE program is a partnership between our local schools, the community and the newspaper. Thanks to our contributors we are able to provide newspapers to schools to use as a learning tool in the classroom at little to no cost.

Our goal is to provide an interactive resource tool, a "living textbook," that can enhance lessons by offering students and teachers fresh resources every day.

Newspapers make great educational tools because they are current, fun to use, and contain reading material of interest to everyone. The newspaper connects students to their community, province and the world.

Click here to learn more about our NIE options.

NIE - Ordering Options

How we can bring the Calgary Herald to you:

ePaper - Complimentary Paid for by subscriber vacation / donation program

Register here

ePaper, an online version of the Calgary Herald, is the same layout as the print edition sold at newsstands and includes ads, sections and supplements. ePaper is also complemented by a variety of useful digital tools that enhance the online experience. This option provides one username and password that can be utilized by your entire classroom.

With ePaper you can:

  • share articles (by email, blog or other social networks)
  • listen to newspaper audio clips
  • comment on an article to become part of the conversation!
  • access the paper in different languages with our translation services

Check it out here:

PRINT COPIES - Get a set of classroom newspapers delivered to your school at the discounted price of $0.50/paper.

Choose the delivery schedule that best fits your classroom's needs. Great for school projects or as a group reading resource in classrooms, campuses and more! Minimum of 5 copies per delivery day. Invoiced monthly.

Register here

NIE - TOP 10 Reasons

Top 10 reasons for using NIE!

  1. NIE helps develop the habit of daily newspaper reading among students.
  2. Newspapers in the classroom help make teaching more creative and challenging.
  3. Newspapers contain something for every student: real math problems, science as it happens, editorials on current topics, local news, entertainment highlights, classified ads and more.
  4. Newspapers enhance classroom projects and promote cooperative team efforts.
  5. Comment on articles to become part of the conversation.
  6. Newspapers have transfer effects – students learn from newspapers at school and convey their knowledge at home.
  7. Newspapers contribute to independent reading, improved vocabulary, enhanced comprehension, critical thinking and improved reading and writing skills.
  8. Newspapers are "living" textbooks, reporting history as it happens, while creating interest in current events.
  9. Newspapers bridge the gap between the classroom and the "real" world.
  10. Newspapers are motivational, lots of fun, and increase local and international awareness.

NIE - Parents


Some helpful hints to help kids learn at home using the newspaper:

  • Read the newspaper regularly.
  • Talk about what you are reading.
  • Read aloud to your children.
  • Read together.
  • Let children choose what they want to read.
  • Set a good example. When a child sees their parents reading the newspaper, they are more likely to become newspaper readers as well.
  • Point out the practical application of what they have read and learned. For example, if they read about an article on food safety, this can be applied when buying groceries.
  • Try a variety of activities with the newspaper - reading, talking, writing, or just simply looking through the newspaper together.
  • Scale down the newspaper for young children - use one section at a time. Make the activities short and fun. If children show no interest, try again another day.
  • Relax - learning with the newspaper should be and can be fun. Only your imagination can set limits to what you can do with the newspaper.

NIE - Request Form

Calgary Herald Reporting Requirements

As part of our internal reporting requirements for the NIE program, each teacher who signs up to receive the Calgary Herald will be required to sign a form stating that they ordered the Calgary Herald to be used in their classroom. These forms are sent via email during the months of April and May and need to be returned prior to the end of the school year.

NOTE: you cannot sign-up to receive papers for the next school year until you have returned this year's form.

NIE Sign-up Form

Carefully complete the form below. Upon submission, you will receive an immediate email confirmation. Within 2 to 5 business days, a follow-up email containing your user name and password will be sent from canada.com.

To ensure your classroom is assigned an appropriate number of unique licenses, please indicate whether you are registering for your classroom or are registering on behalf of your school.


*Registration Type
*Select Frequency of Delivery
*Number of students who require access
*School Division
Category (office use only)
*School Type
*School Address
*Postal Code
*School Phone
*Teacher's Name
*Teacher's e-mail:
*Principal's Name
*Principal's e-mail:
What will the newspapers be used for in the classroom?

Please contact Jacob Halpenny at 416-386-2628 or nie@calgaryherald.com if you have any questions or you need assistance.

NIE - Request Form

PRINT COPIES - Get a set of classroom newspapers delivered to your school at the discounted price of $0.50/paper.

Delivery Info :
*School Name
*School Type:
*School Division
*Phone Number
*Postal Code:
*Contact Person
*Email Address
*Fax Number

Bill to Information :
*School Name
*Phone Number
*Postal Code:
*Contact Person
*Email Address

Enter the number of papers for each day of the week. Minimum of 5 papers for each delivery day.
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
* mandatory fields must be filled in

Note: Choose your own delivery schedule. Invoiced Monthly.

Thank You

Thank you for registering for the Calgary Herald's NIE Program for the 2016/2017 school year.

A confirmation email will be sent when your order has been processed
If you have any questions, please e-mail nie@calgaryherald.com

NIE - Contact Us

For more information contact:

Newspapers in Education
The Calgary Herald
Email: nie@calgaryherald.com
Contact Person: Brad Lawlor