Keenan: A tribute to those who support men in illness

Cal 0826 Priddis 1 The Man Van, the only portable PSA testing vehicle of its kind in the country, was on hand at the Priddis Charity Classic providing free PSA testing to men over 40. The Classic raised an impressive $350,000 for the Calgary Prostate Cancer Centre. Courtesy Prostate Cancer Centre / Courtesy Prostate Cancer Centre

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With Father’s Day approaching, I was thinking it would be a good idea to profile some of the wonderful new advances in men’s health. There are so many promising advances that it’s hard to keep up.

Just consider the prostate gland, which can give men problems ranging from being enlarged to deadly cancers. In the last few months, scientists have given us a “liquid biopsy” blood test to predict which patients won’t respond to standard drug therapy. Other researchers have come up with an 11-gene signature that helps to identify aggressive and potentially fatal forms of prostate cancer.

There are also some amazing new techniques for treating benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), a non-cancerous condition where the gland becomes enlarged. One is called prostate artery embolization (PAE). Doctors from Mayfair Diagnostics have been performing this procedure for five years at Calgary’s Rockyview General Hospital. It involves “injecting fluid containing thousands of tiny plastic particles to block the small arteries that feed the prostate,” gradually depriving it of blood supply. They say this can be done through a pinhole in the groin and doesn’t require a hospital stay or the risks involved with traditional surgery.

Another new BPH treatment that shows great potential is called Convective Water Vapor Energy (WAVE®) technology. This involves steaming away excess prostate tissue with heated water vapour, and it can also be performed on an outpatient basis.  NxThera, the American company behind it, tells me they have filed for approval with Health Canada.

As my list of amazing men’s health advances grew, I realized I could never do justice to them in a brief column. Instead, to celebrate Father’s Day, I’d like to pay tribute to the people who support men when they have a disease.

I’m thinking of organizations like Wellspring, a network of community-based cancer support centres. Their motto is “no one has to face cancer alone” and they have branches in Calgary and Edmonton as well as Toronto and other Ontario cities. Wellspring charges no fees for their programs and they don’t receive government funding. They rely on the generosity of donors, and are a very worthy cause.

PROSTAID Calgary/Prostate Cancer Network has been helping men since 1993, and also relies entirely on donations. As full disclosure, I met its president, David Lunn, in a completely different context and respect him greatly. The group has monthly meetings, educational sessions, and a very informative website. They don’t give medical advice or recommend products, treatments or physicians. They do provide invaluable support and education.

After 19 years, Bill Brooks passed the torch for prostate cancer research fundraising to Dr. Shelley Spaner at the Prostate Cancer Centre. Bill Brooks / Bill Brooks

And, over a span of 19 years, the Bill Brooks Benefit Ball has raised $8.8 million for research and services around prostate cancer and other male diseases. They’ve given us the Man Van mobile clinic and the Get Checked program. This annual fundraising event is now called the Gloves on Gala and is under the leadership of Calgary radiologist Dr. Shelley Spanner and the group she founded, Women for Men’s Health.

Guys who are lucky enough to have a life partner or significant other for support can fare significantly better than those without such a relationship. A study by the American Cancer Society, published in 2008 in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine, showed that the emotional health of the patient and the partner are intimately linked.

They may share a positive outlook, but if either partner is in great distress, it can certainly rub off on the other. Lead author Youngmee Kim writes that “couples may benefit from interventions that enhance their ability to manage psychological distress, particularly the wife’s, which may improve the mental and physical health of both partners when they are dealing with cancer.”

A new study presented in March 2018 at the European Association of Urology confirms the toll that a man’s disease can take on his partner. Danish researchers questioned 56 women about how having a husband with cancer affected their own lives. Their husbands were diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer and were receiving androgen deprivation hormone treatments. Side-effects of that can include fatigue, frailty and loss of sexual drive.

Almost half (46 per cent) of these women said that their own physical health had been made worse by their partner’s disease. Some also reported feeling socially isolated, with one woman commenting “because he sleeps so much we do not visit the family or our friends and do not have many guests.” The participants also worried about their husband’s suffering pain as the disease progressed.

Fortunately, organizations like Wellspring have a good understanding of the role of family members in helping cancer victims deal with their illness. When I spoke at Wellspring’s Calgary facility a few years ago, many people were accompanied by their spouse or significant other.

Medical research will continue to bring us treatments that are more effective and less invasive and that’s a good thing. Bring them on. Still, it’s important for guys to be grateful for the human beings, both health professionals and family members, who help them through the journey of illness.

I hope you agree.

Dr. Tom Keenan is an award-winning journalist, public speaker, professor in the Faculty of Environmental Design at the University of Calgary, and author of the bestselling book, Technocreep: The Surrender of Privacy and the Capitalization of Intimacy



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