Travel notes: Next time you’re in L.A., bike, run, rock climb — or take a laser tag fitness class  

Sign up for a fun run with BlacklistLA to check out the sights and local public art. BlacklistLA

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Think of Los Angeles and you might envision being stuck in a traffic jam. But it doesn’t have to be this way. That is if you’re a tourist with time to explore, and not an Angeleno trying to get to work. The sun will likely be shining, as it almost always is, and there’s no better way to experience all the city has to offer than on your own steam.   

Cycle through Hollywood Forever Cemetery on the Hollywood Bike Tour, where you’ll see the final resting places of stars like Johnny Ramone. Lisa Monforton

Explore L.A. from the seat of a bike 

One of the best ways to enjoy the neighbourhoods of L.A. is from the seat of a bicycle. Bikes and Hikes LA offers several guided tours that will have you pedalling your butt by the city’s most famous landmarks. You can choose from two-hour, half day and full-day tours. It also recently added electric bikes to its fleet.

Depending on which one you take, like the Hollywood Bike Adventure, you could be riding past fountains, peacocks, mausoleums, headstones and crypts at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. Like I did, you can stop as many times as you like to take photos in front of famous gravesites, like Johnny Ramone’s or Judy Garland’s. Don’t be surprised if you see painters sipping wine and capturing on canvas the 40 acres of manicured landscape and final resting place of many Hollywood legends. 

You’ll also ride through tony neighbourhoods, past Paramount Pictures and see the largest chunk of the Berlin Wall outside Berlin (on Wilshire Boulevard), or the 340-ton “floating” boulder at the Los Angeles County Museum of Modern Art. Weave your way through the strange and wonderful characters and crowds on Hollywood Boulevard along the Walk of Fame, cruise the farmers’ market, and cycle a part of the much sung-about Ventura Boulevard — the longest contiguous avenue of businesses in the world. 

By the end of the ride, guides like Andrew, a born and raised Angeleno, will have given you gossip and ghost stories, and you’ll have spotted a few faux celebs (dressed up like stars) and feel like you’re ready to go back and explore more of the neighbourhoods you’ve just gotten to know.  

NOTE: If you happen to stay at the Kimpton Everly Hotel in Hollywood, it has bikes you can borrow. The folks at Bikes and Hikes LA will provide water, snacks, helmets and entertaining information. Details at

Run through some of L.A.’s coolest neighbourhoods with BlacklistLA, and see some of the city’s public art. Lisa Monforton

Hit the ground running and check out some art 

Fitness and art intersect on the colourful streets of L.A. BlacklistLA, a local, volunteer-run organization for runners, aims to connect people with the city by showing off the best of its neighbourhoods in the name of fitness and culture.  

The organization’s Monday night runs happen at 10 p.m. and typically cover five kilometres. It’s perfect for visitors who want to stay on their fitness game while getting to check out some of L.A.’s cool outdoor art, including graffiti. You’ll likely meet some locals on the run, which can attract more than 250 people. “It’s not a run, it’s an experience,” says Erik Valiente, certified running guide and founder.  

The runs are free. Just check the website or follow the group on Instagram to find the out the meeting place. BlacklistLA’s Saturday runs cover longer distances, for people training for a 10K, half or full marathons. 

More details at

Learn to rock climb right on the beach in Malibu with Rock N Rope Adventures. Rock N Rope Adventures

Rock it on the beach in Malibu 

You can work on your Malibu Beach tan and your confidence and tenacity while trying out the sport of rock climbing, California style. The setting is classic West Coast: blue sky, sandy beach, surf rolling onto the shore below.  

This is all while you’re scaling your way to the 30-metre top of Point Dume on beautiful Zuma Beach.  

Just show up at the beach parking lot (other locations also available). There, you will be met by your Rock N Rope Adventures guide to learn the ropes of rock climbing with a patient pro like Rogerio Ramires, who founded the company.  

The company provides the gear — helmets, shoes, ropes. All guides are certified and insured, like Ramires, who guarantees to get you climbing even if you’re a newbie or really nervous. Rock climbing classes are available year-round. Prices start at $79 US, depending on the day of the week.  Learn more at

Phillip Robert has introduced LazRfit to L.A. The new studio offers workouts that will make you sweat while having a blast running around and taking aim at your opponents. LazRFit

Tag, you’re fit at new L.A. studio 

Someone’s had the brilliant idea of turning the adrenalin-fuelled fun of laser tag into a workout. Only in L.A., of course. 

LazRfit founder Phillip Du Lac and his wife Lucie Colin Robert recently opened the doors to their 4,000-square-foot laser studio. It’s an intense and sweaty cardio fix that can burn hundreds of calories in about 10 minutes, depending how hard you go. “Doing cardio is so boring,” says Robert. But it’s definitely not when you’re trying to tag, jump or hide from an “enemy” around and behind a series of wooden walls and ramps.  

This is not an easy workout, but you will have tons of fun. When you finish your session, you can see how many times you got tagged or tagged an opponent, how many calories you burned and how many steps you took. 

Sessions are for 45 minutes, broken into about 10-minute intervals (for good reason!), with a pre-warm-up.  Details at

For more trip planning ideas, check out

The writer was a guest of DiscoverLA. They did not review or approve this article.








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