

  • A virtual tour of Gaspésie, electrically

    On June 25, journalist Denis Leduc left Rimouski, QC, to drive around the Gaspé peninsula. On vacation? Far from it! He was embarking on a three-day trip to see how accessible this popular tourist destination is when driving an electric vehicle.

    July 5, 2018 2:22 P.M.
  • Press junket: Rethinking the launch

    Season previews are always highly anticipated events on the entertainment scene. But in a world where partners are in increasing demand and everyone is looking for an edge, you really need to deliver something original. And that’s exactly what CBC and Radio-Canada did in unveiling their 2018–2019 lineups.

    June 28, 2018 4:16 P.M.

CBC/Radio-Canada Services

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