OTTAWA – On Wednesday, July 11, 2018, the Bank of Canada will announce its decision on the target for the overnight rate. A press release will provide a brief explanation of the decision. The Bank will also publish its quarterly Monetary Policy Report (MPR) at the same time as the rate decision.


10:00 (Eastern Time)


At 07:00 (ET), journalists are invited to review the rate announcement press release and the MPR, under embargo, at the Bank’s head office in Ottawa. Please use the Bank of Canada Museum entrance, located at 30 Bank Street (corner of Bank and Wellington), and have your press card with you.

For security reasons, journalists wishing to attend must be accredited with the Canadian Parliamentary Press Gallery and must confirm their presence by contacting Media Relations before noon (ET) on Tuesday, July 10, 2018, at 613-782-8782. Journalists who are not accredited and/or who do no register WILL NOT BE ADMITTED to the lock-up.

At 08:30 (ET), senior Bank officers will provide background information and respond to questions on the content of the MPR. Information gathered at the session may be used freely in news reports and commentaries, provided it is not attributed to the Bank or its officers. Electronic recording is not permitted.

At 10:00 (ET), the lock-up ends and the embargo is lifted.


The rate announcement press release and the Monetary Policy Report will be available:

  • at 10:00 (ET) on the Bank’s website
Press Conference

At 11:15 (ET), Stephen S. Poloz, Governor of the Bank of Canada, will hold a press conference in the Bank of Canada’s auditorium. He will be accompanied by Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn A. Wilkins. An opening statement will be published on the Bank’s website at 11:15 (ET).

For security reasons, all media must register with the Bank in advance to attend the press conference. To register, please contact Media Relations before noon (ET) on Tuesday, July 10, 2018, at 613-782-8782. Journalists, camera operators and still photographers who have not registered WILL NOT BE ADMITTED to the press conference.

Media are asked to arrive via the Bank of Canada Museum entrance, located at 30 Bank Street, on the corner of Bank and Wellington. Please be sure to have your press card with you.

Broadcasters needing to set up equipment will be granted access beginning at 10:00 (ET).


Audio and video webcasts of the press conference will be accessible from the Bank’s website.


For more information, please contact Media Relations at 613-782-8782.