Wei Dong

Principal Economist

Wei Dong is Principal Economist in the Canadian Economic Analysis Department at the Bank of Canada. Her research interests are open economy macroeconomics and international finance. Wei received her PhD in economics from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.


Wei Dong

Principal Economist
Canadian Economic Analysis
Regional Analysis

Bank of Canada
150 King Street West, Suite 2000
Toronto, ON, M5H 1J9


Digital Transformation in the Service Sector: Insights from Consultations with Firms in Wholesale, Retail and Logistics

Staff Analytical Note 2017-19 Wei Dong, James Fudurich, Lena Suchanek
Firms increasingly rely on digital technologies such as e-commerce, cloud computing, big data, digital tracking and digital platforms that are reshaping business operations, business models and market structures. In this context, the Bank of Canada consulted with firms in wholesale, retail and logistics, as well as with related industry associations to yield insights on the adoption of digital technologies.
Content Type(s): Staff Research, Staff Analytical Notes Topic(s): Firm dynamics, Inflation and prices, Service Sector JEL Code(s): D, D2, D22, E, E3, E31, L, L8, L81, L9, L92, O, O3, O33

The Digital Economy—Insight from a Special Survey with IT Service Exporters

Staff Discussion Paper 2016-21 Wei Dong, James Fudurich, Lena Suchanek
Information technology (IT) is an increasingly integral part of everyday business and personal life reflecting the ongoing and accelerating digital transformation of the economy. In this paper, we present information gathered from a survey with export-oriented firms in the Canadian IT service industry and consultations with industry associations aimed at shedding light on this small but highly dynamic sector.
Content Type(s): Staff Research, Staff Discussion Papers Topic(s): Firm dynamics, Service Sector JEL Code(s): D, D2, D22, L, L8, L86, O, O3, O33

Exchange Rate Pass-Through, Currency of Invoicing and Market Share

Staff Working Paper 2015-31 Michael Devereux, Wei Dong, Ben Tomlin
This paper investigates the impact of market structure on the joint determination of exchange rate pass-through and currency of invoicing in international trade. A novel feature of the study is the focus on market share of firms on both sides of the market—that is, exporting firms and importing firms.

The Sensitivity of Producer Prices to Exchange Rates: Insights from Micro Data

Staff Working Paper 2012-20 Shutao Cao, Wei Dong, Ben Tomlin
This paper studies the sensitivity of Canadian producer prices to the Canada-U.S. exchange rate. Using a unique product-level price data set, we estimate and analyze the impact of movements in the exchange rate on both domestic and export producer prices.

Exchange Rates and Individual Good’s Price Misalignment: Some Preliminary Evidence of Long-Horizon Predictability

Staff Discussion Paper 2011-8 Wei Dong, Deokwoo Nam
When prices are sticky, movements in the nominal exchange rate have a direct impact on international relative prices. A relative price misalignment would trigger an adjustment in consumption and employment, and may help to predict future movements in the exchange rate.
Content Type(s): Staff Research, Staff Discussion Papers Topic(s): Exchange rates, International topics JEL Code(s): F, F3, F31, F4, F47

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Refereed Journals

  • “Importers and Exporters in Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Currency Invoicing”
    (with Michael Devereux and Ben Tomlin), Journal of International Economics, March 2017, Volume 105, Pages 187-204.
  • “Pricing-to-Market, Currency Invoicing and Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Producer Prices”
    (with Shutao Cao and Ben Tomlin), Journal of International Money and Finance, 58, November 2015: 128-149.
  •  “Do Central Banks Respond to Exchange Rate Movements? Some New Evidence from Structural Estimation”
    Canadian Journal of Economics, 46(2), May 2013: 555-586.
  • “The Quantitative Importance of the Expenditure-Switching Effect”
    Open Economies Review, 24(2), 2013: 311-338.
  • “Exchange Rates and Individual Good's Price Misalignment: Evidence of Long-horizon Predictability”
    (with Deokwoo Nam), Journal of International Money and Finance, 32, February 2013: 611-636.
  • “The Role of Expenditure Switching in the Global Imbalance Adjustment”
    Journal of International Economics, 86(2), March 2012: 237-251.


  • Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006
  • M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004
  • B.A., Nankai University, 2001


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