Flour Mill Museum moving to make way for new pumping station

The Flour Mill Museum is on the move.

Historic house was home to François Varieur, a foreman at Evans Lumber

The Flour Mill Museum is getting ready to move from its current location on St. Charles street to O'Connor Park. (City of Greater Sudbury)

The Flour Mill Museum is on the move.

The City of Greater Sudbury made the announcement today, as museum staff get ready to shift from 245 St. Charles Street to a new location near O'Connor Park.

According to the city, the move is necessary to make room for construction of a sewage pumping station that would protect Junction Creek.

The St. Charles sewage pumping station is below grade structure and the city says it needs to be replaced.

Construction will begin next year once the museum is relocated.

The museum is currently located in a house built in 1902 by François Varieur, who was a foreman at Evans Lumber.

The structure had been originally constructed next to the Flour Mill silos, but was relocated to St. Charles Street in 1987.

In 1983, a log cabin was built next to the historic house to celebrate Sudbury's centennial. A third building was built in 1975 for office use and storage, the city said.

The city is inviting people with questions or comments about the relocation of the Flour Mill Museum to attend a public information session on Wednesday, July 25, at Church of Saint-Jean-de-Brébeuf, 26 Kathleen Street between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.

A formal presentation will begin at 6:30 p.m.

The new location for the Flour Mill Museum will be on the corners of Dell Street and Morin Avenue, near O'Connor Park. (City of Greater Sudbury)