

  • Trans-Canada on the radio

    For many of us, summer is synonymous with vacationing—and vacationing is often synonymous with a road trip. Canada has the world’s longest trans-national highway in the world, at 7,821 km, and since its official opening in 1962, Canadians have been able to drive it from the Atlantic to the Pacific, or vice versa (it wasn’t paved end-to-end, however, until 1970).

    July 19, 2018 3:14 P.M.
  • Inclusion: a public broadcaster that reflects Canada

    Inclusion is one of the four core values that guide everything we do at CBC/Radio-Canada. As the national public broadcaster, we strive to represent Canada as it is, in all its diversity. Beyond the numbers and statistics, our organization is first and foremost about people – people with a multitude of backgrounds, stories and challenges. It’s important for everyone to feel that his/her voice, views and ideas are valued, both within our company and in our relationships with Canadians.

    July 12, 2018 12:02 P.M.

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