White Coat, Black Artwith Dr. Brian Goldman



Take a quick online test to discover your risk of heart attack or stroke

@NightshiftMD found out he needs to eat a lot more carrots and cut down on the potatoes.

PTSD in the hospital: Why the emotional scars of serious illnesses linger long after treatment

What happens when the health-care system that heals you also leaves behind long-lasting emotional scars?

The case for decriminalizing drugs in Canada

Officials in Toronto and Vancouver say Canada should decriminalize possession of drugs for personal use. @NightshiftMD explains why.

How safe is your medical device? Even regulators may not really know

Could your hip replacement hurt you? Journalist Jeanne Lenzer explores the medical device industry in her book, The Danger Within Us, and Dr. David Urbach tells us why Canada's device regulators should be doing a better job.

Read this if you do shift work

Night shift workers face increased risk of obesity, diabetes and even cancer. @NightshiftMD says the problem has more to do with when you eat than when you sleep.

Seniors tell us what it's really like to live in long-term care

Sharron Cooke and Devora Greenspon speak frankly about life in long-term residential care, from the loss of freedom to advocating for those who can't do it themselves.

Does your doctor think you're a 'difficult' patient?

What's the problem with being labelled by your doctor as a "difficult" patient? @NightshiftMD thinks it's an unfortunate label that may put your health at risk.

She kept quiet for years. Now this doctor is talking about her own disability

Dr. Paige Church decided to reveal that she has spina bifida because she thinks it's time medical culture became more accepting of physicians with disabilities.

'What happened was wrong': Why this doctor spoke up about her #MeToo experience

Dr. Kim Kelly describes going public about her #MeToo experience as a “career-defining moment.”

'There was a lot of compassion': Catching up with recovered food addict Annie Rosenberg

We reconnect with self-described food addict Annie Rosenberg to find out how her recovery is going, and the response she received after sharing her story.

'I can't continue to do this forever': Families with children aging out of care seek answers

On June 12, White Coat Black Art hosted a panel called Crisis of Care: Help for Families and their High-Needs Kids as they Age out of the System.

#Metoo in Medicine Part 2, Crisis of Care reaction, and food addiction, revisited

On our season finale, we bring you updates on a few of our favourite stories from the past few months.
Dr. Goldman's Blog

Get ready for Lyme disease

Lyme disease is on the rise in Canada. @NightshiftMD tells you what you need to know about it.

Crisis of care town hall

Catch the broadcast on June 16/17 and June 20.

Canadian hospitals take too long to fix broken hips

Most Canadians get their broken hips fixed beyond the recommended 24-hour window. @NightshiftMD explains what's at stake.

Cake, balloons, goodbye: What happens when your special needs child ages out of the system

The story of Gilly, an 18-year girl with autism and developmental delay on the cusp of aging out of the system – and the parents who are expected to pick up the slack.

Screen all baby boomers for hepatitis C, says new guideline

For the first time in Canada, doctors are recommending testing all baby boomers for hepatitis C. @NightshiftMD says the new guideline will save lives.

'This is not just a case, this is a person': Film hopes to prevent patients from falling through cracks

Greg Price, 31, fatally fell through the cracks of the health-care system. We explore how Greg's story became a film to teach med students, and why some of the best in Canada's TV industry helped bring the film to life.

Paramedics' visits to 911 'hotspots' reduce ambulance calls, study suggests

Paramedic-run clinics in low-income apartments reduce 911 calls & improve the health of the people who live there. @NightshiftMD has the results of a new study.

How music helps rehab patients learn how to move again

Research has revealed that music therapy can improve motor skills in patients with neurological disorder.

All the drama of med school, live on stage

Why a New Jersey dermatologist decided to write a musical about med school ... and the show's journey to the off-Broadway stage.

The 7 most memorable medical moments in musical theatre

Where does Medicine the Musical fit into the cultural pantheon of singing doctors? We've rounded up seven of our favourite medical musical theatre moments.

Astronaut Dr. Bob Thirsk's excellent adventures in space

Dr. Bob Thirsk recalls the challenges of carrying out simple medical procedures in space.

How an injured doctor saved her own life on an Antarctic Cruise

Dr. Lori Regenstreif got more adventure than she bargained for when she signed on to become the medical doctor on an Antarctic cruise ship.

Should number of appointments by family doctors be capped? Medical community weighs in

The British Medical Association thinks general practitioners should put a limit on the number of patients they see in a day. @NightshiftMD wonders if that would fly in Canada.

PTSD in the hospital: Why the emotional scars of serious illnesses linger long after treatment

What happens when the health-care system that heals you also leaves behind long-lasting emotional scars?

How safe is your medical device? Even regulators may not really know

Could your hip replacement hurt you? Journalist Jeanne Lenzer explores the medical device industry in her book, The Danger Within Us, and Dr. David Urbach tells us why Canada's device regulators should be doing a better job.

Cake, balloons, goodbye: What happens when your special needs child ages out of the system

The story of Gilly, an 18-year girl with autism and developmental delay on the cusp of aging out of the system – and the parents who are expected to pick up the slack.

Seniors tell us what it's really like to live in long-term care

Sharron Cooke and Devora Greenspon speak frankly about life in long-term residential care, from the loss of freedom to advocating for those who can't do it themselves.