
Want to look at this guy's website? Go offline

Chris Bolin sends a message to the internet-addicted

Spark Guide to Life: Getting Better at Your Online Life

Want to look at this guy's website? Go offline. Would you let a robot answer your emails? Notifications stress me out. How I cut them down to improve my well-being. 'Loudly Crying Face': Your cute emojis are spoiling social media for blind users. Is podcast listening good for you?

Would you let a robot answer your emails?

Tech journalist Mike Brown let Google's Smart Reply answer all his emails for one week.

Notifications stress me out. How I cut them down to improve my well-being

We look at the effect notifications and alerts have on our well-being.

'Loudly Crying Face': Your cute emojis are spoiling social media for blind users

Accessibility consultant Sassy Outwater-Wright is fed-up with people using too many emojis in their Twitter user name. She makes the case for a more inclusive internet while keeping social media trendy with GIFs and emoticons.

Is podcast listening good for you?

This is your brain on podcasts.

Why you should read War and Peace on your phone

Clive Thompson decided to read War and Peace on his phone. It turned out to be a journey that took him into the heart of attention, distraction, and focus in a digital age.

Do you really "own" your smart devices?

How personal property is changing in our Internet-of-thingsy world.

Spark Guide to Life: Protecting Yourself in the Digital World

Your photos can be used in 'catfishing' romance scams. The real cost of our love of tech: the environment. Do you really "own" your smart devices? When moral outrage goes viral.

When moral outrage goes viral

Moral outrage can be powerful. But do we risk deepening social divides when it happens online?

The real cost of our love of tech: the environment

The documentary Death by Design explores the environmental and labour safety costs of our digital devices.

Your photos can be used in 'catfishing' romance scams

For years, images of Alec Couros have been used for so-called "catfishing": online romance scams often used to cheat 'love interests' out of money. Now he's on a campaign to educate potential victims.

If you're worried your social life is less exciting than others', it's not

In a new study, psychology student Sebastian Deri found that most of us think everybody's social lives are more exciting than our own, even though they're not.

Spark Guide to Life: Social Media

If you're worried your social life is less exciting than others', it's not. Twitter isn't the voice of the people, and media shouldn't pretend it is. Your data plays a vital role in academic research. Social media beyond the numbers. How does your social media use stack up against other Canadians?

Twitter isn't the voice of the people, and media shouldn't pretend it is

Mass media love to include ordinary peoples' tweets in stories, but they may not be ordinary, or even people.

It's not just about targeted ads. Your data plays a vital role in academic research

The Cambridge Analytica scandal left many Facebook users concerned about how their data is being used. But that same data can have great value for academic researchers.

Beyond the tyranny of likes and retweets: social media beyond the numbers

Scrolling through your Twitter feed turns up all kinds of metrics, such as how many followers you have or how often your tweets have been liked and retweeted. But how does that affect your experience of the social network?

How does your social media use stack up against other Canadians?

While Canadians love social media, there are big differences in use, depending on gender, age, income, and employment status.

Never mind Netflix, watch this live stream of a rock instead

Watching Rocks Hamilton is exactly what it sounds like -- a live feed of a boulder sitting in a backyard in Hamilton, Ontario.

Spark Guide to Life: Canadian Perspectives

Die With Me connects people before their phones die. Never mind Netflix, watch this live stream of a rock instead. Short story vending machine lands in Edmonton airport. Restaurants open doors during the day to become coworking spaces.

Restaurants open doors during the day to become coworking spaces

New Canadian startups connect people who want workspace, with restaurants that are closed during the day time.

Short story vending machine lands in Edmonton airport

When Edmonton writer Jason Norman learned about the short story dispenser, he decided to help bring one to Edmonton International Airport and feature the work of local authors.

Die With Me connects people before their phones die

Die with me is an app that only works when you have less than 5% battery life left on your phone. That allows you to access a chat room that connects you to other people with dying phones, so you you have company while you die.

Wave of media mergers signals major shift in TV landscape

Gone are the days that you turn to your TV to watch your favourite shows, all on demand. With streaming services accessible on the go, the cable industry is in decline, but media partnerships between traditional cable providers and content makers is changing the game.

Spark 403

Wave of media mergers signals major shift in TV landscape. Turning citizen science into a captivating video game. How you use your phone can tell Uber if you're drunk. Being a social media manager can be bad for mental health. How internet access to porn is helping women and sexual minorities in India.