MIF Project Summary Form

General Information
Objective of the CDC Matching Investment Fund (MIF)

The CDC MIF is designed to support product development initiatives that help grow the business for milk and dairy ingredients, by providing funding for consultation and product development activities.

The CDC will hold in strict confidence the content of any information supplied in this Project Summary Form, based on the provisions of the Access to Information Act explained in Section 3 of the Program Guide.
Project Summary Form

Please summarize the project you want to submit to the CDC MIF, by answering each question on this form.

1. Company Profile
* Company name:  
* Name of contact person:  
* Address:  
* Province:  
* Postal Code:  
* Telephone:  
Web Site:
Year of incorporation:
Business registration number:
* Category of business: Dairy product manufacturer
Further processor
Food technology centre

2. Project Description

* 2.1 Describe the primary objective of your project.

* 2.2 Explain how your project will result in a net increase in the use of raw milk components or dairy ingredients.

* 2.3 List the activities that need to be performed for this project along with their estimated cost and the name of the partner(s)/service provider(s) who will be performing the activity.

If the work is to be done in-house by company staff, insert "applicant" in the Partner/Service Provider/Applicant column.

Activity Cost Partner/Service Provider

2.4 Please select all the activities that have already been conducted for this project:
Literature review Technical feasibility study Market study
Financial feasibility study Business plan Marketing plan
Kitchen trials Pilot scale testing Validation that the product is not manufactured in Canada
Other Other Other

3. Eligibility Requirements

* 3.1. Select which eligible dairy products / components will be used in the formulation of your product:
Butter Evaporated milk Sweet & condensed milk
Buttermilk Liquid milks Whole milk
Cheese Milk powders Yogurt
Cream Milk protein concentrate/isolate Other

* 3.2 Does the final product include whey?
Yes No

* 3.3 What are the technical challenges of this project associated with incorporating a Canadian dairy ingredient or developing an innovative dairy product?

* 3.4 Select which of the following requirements your project will meet and explain how (for each selected requirements):
Requirements   Explanation
Incorporate a Canadian dairy ingredient in a product formulation where no dairy ingredient(s) had been previously used.
Replace a substitute ingredient in a product formulation with a dairy ingredient, or significantly increase the dairy content in an existing product formulation.
Develop and market a new dairy product or a product pursuant to the Domestic Dairy Product Innovation Program (DDPIP).
Develop and market a new or innovative further processed product containing Canadian dairy ingredients.
Technology/knowledge transfer activities having a demonstrated benefit for a company or for the Canadian dairy industry as a whole.

* 3.5 In order to demonstrate that the dairy product formulation or futher processed product will not risk displacing existing Canadian dairy product(s) and/or further processed product(s) made with Canadian dairy ingredients, select which of the following requirement(s) your project will meet and explain how (for each selected requirements):
Requirements   Explanation
The project involves reformulating a product with dairy (rather than developing a new/innovative product).
The product is not currently manufactured in Canada.
Similar Canadian product(s) are not currently manufactured and sold in the province(s) where the organization intends to market the product.
Similar Canadian product(s) are not currently manufactured and sold to the same clientele in the same distribution channel.